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Neoplatonist Theology workshop - 16-17-18/05/2018, Durham (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16-17-18/05/2018

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: The Castle (Durham, England)


INFO: web -


If you would like to come to the conference dinner, which will be held in the SCR of Hatfield College on the Thursday, at a cost of around £40 (tbc), please contact George Boys-Stones by the end of Tuesday, 1st May. Thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association, we are able to offer bursaries to support graduate attendance: again, please contact George Boys-Stones if you might be interested.


Wednesday, 16th

3:45 Welcome

4-5 Andreas Abele (Tübingen), ‘Vanishing Bodies. The Deaths of Plotinus and St Anthony of Egypt’

5-6 Robbert van den Berg (Leiden), ‘Chaos Theology: The Ancient Reception of Hesiod, Theogony 116-117’

Thursday, 17th

10-11 Riccardo Chiaradonna (Rome), ‘Categories in Iamblichus’ De Mysteriis’

11-12 Wolfgang Polleichtner (Tübingen), ‘Towards the Reconstruction of Iamblichus’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories’

12-1 Mariapaola Bergomi (Milan), ‘Platonic and Stoic themes in Novatian’s De Trinitate’

2:30-4 Irmgard Männlein-Robert and Christine Rüth (Tübingen), ‘The “Tübinger Theosophie”’

Friday, 18th

10-11 Oliver Schelske (Munich), ‘The Argonautica of Orpheus’

11-12 Elsa Simonetti (Durham), ‘Theological Oracles’

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