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CALL. 01.06.2018: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) - C



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Elisabete Cação ; João Pedro Gomes ; Miguel MonteiroTadeu MacedoTeresa Nunes

INFO: web -


We propose Corpus/Corpora as the main theme, more specifically its dialectical relations between physical/individual/material body and social/collective/conceptual body. By motivating submissions on this subject, we intend to open up several corpora to multiple layers of instantiation, from a meditation on the body itself (thus playing with the relation between the literary “corpus” and the lived body) to an ethical assessment of the possibilities laid out by hermeneutics’ continuous reinterpretation of the classical heritage. Following that line of thought, bodily experiments linked to theatre or music are among our range.

In fact, without any chronological restriction, we welcome proposals exploring the reception of corpus/corpora in different areas, such as: literary texts (including their transmission and reception), philosophy, and arts (e.g. painting, sculpture, dance, cinema or television):

How does one envision the religious, social, economical, political and gendered expressions of the body? How does a body see, understand and conceive another body?

How does a body relate to itself?

These are some of the many questions we intend to reflect upon.

Proposals must be sent until June 1st. There will be limited bursaries of accommodation (2 nights) for accepted proposals.

Presentations sessions will be held in November 8th and 9th and cultural programme is planned to November 10th.

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