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Workshop: Sensory Experience in Rome’s Northern Provinces - 06/10/2018, London (England)

Confirmed keynote speakers: Patty Baker (University of Kent) and Andrew Garner (University College London)

FECHA/DATE/DATA : 06/10/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Thomas J. Derrick (University of Leicester) and Giacomo Savani (University of Leicester)



-Estándar/standard/standard: £17

-Miembros de la Roman society, estudiantes y desempleados/Roman Society members, Students and Unwaged/ Soci della Roman Society, studenti e non impiegati: £14

Tickets includine morning and afternoon refreshments, and a hot buffet lunch

10.00 Introduction – Giacomo Savani (Leicester)

Chair – Giacomo Savani

10.15 Thomas Derrick (Leicester) ‘Sensory methodologies, urbanism(s), and the Roman North’

10.45 Andrew Gardner (UCL) ‘Theorising the immediate: the pitfalls and possibilities of sensory archaeology’

11.15-11.45 Coffee/tea break

11.45 Patty Baker (Kent) ‘Experimental archaeology and locating sensory perceptions of florae in Roman Britain’

12.15 Stuart McKie (Durham) ‘“A gift to the gods by which Butu has perished…” Curse tablets and votive rituals in the Roman north-west’


13.15-14.00 Lunch

Chair - Thomas Derrick

14.00 Caroline Lawrence (Author) ‘Writing Londinium with the five senses’

14.30 Sophie Jackson (MOLA) ‘Evoking the experience of being in a mithraeum; how far do you go?’

15.00-15.30 Coffee/Tea break

15.30 Nicky Garland (Newcastle) ‘The sensory analysis of military structures in Britannia - The Commanding Officers’ House, Arbeia, Hadrian’s Wall’

16.00 Mike Bishop ‘Roman Front Ears 2: Reconstructing a 2nd century AD soundscape of Hadrian’s Wall’

16.30 Anna Walas (Leicester) ‘Engaging senses, engaging the troops – The sensory experiences accompanying official military practices within military bases under the Early to High Empire’

17.00 Concluding remarks and discussion - Eleanor Betts (Open University)

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