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XXV Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity: Seafaring, Mobility and the Mediterranean in Late Antiquity

Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Greg Woolf, director of the Institute of Classical Studies, University of London. Professor Rebecca Sweetman, University of St Andrews. Professor Arja Karivieri, director of the Institutum Romanum Finlandiae Rome.

FECHA/DATE/DATA : 26-27/10/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Raimo Hakola ; Antti Lampinen ; Ville Vuolanto.

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: 20€ from students, 60€ from others which will include accommodation (one night) at the symposium venue, as well as meals for two days. We offer transportation from Helsinki to Tvärminne and the return journey. Registration for the symposium starts on 20 August and closes on 28 September 2018. / 20€ estudiantes, 60€ otros. Incluye una noche de alojamiento en el lugar de celebración del simposio, así como comidas para ambos días. Ofrecemos transporte desde Helsinki a Tvärminne de ida y vuelta. La inscripción al simposio comienza el 20 dde Agosto y finaliza el 28 de Septiembre de 2018. / 20€ per studenti, 60€ per l'altri. È incluso alloggio (una notte) nel posto del symposium e pure cibo incluso. offriamo trasloco da Helsinki fino Tvarminne andata e ritorno. La registrazione per il convegni inizia il 20 Agosto e finisce il 18 Settembre


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