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Exegesis, Interpretation, Dialogue: Reading the Iliad Scholia - 05-06/07/2018, Oxford (England)

The scholia to the Iliad are a treasure-trove of responses to one of antiquity’s most important texts, and provide vital evidence for the Greeks’ reading practices, education and linguistics. Despite recent scholarly activity, the scholia remain under-appreciated beyond a limited group of specialists. This conference aims to broaden interest in the scholia by putting their practices into dialogue with other trends in ancient, Byzantine and modern responses to Homer, and reflecting on how ancient and modern notions of interpretation might inform each other. Editors will also present the latest discoveries from the manuscripts, while a closing workshop will explore how best to translate the scholia and how to embed them in teaching.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06/07/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Tom Phillips (Oxford); Oliver Thomas (Nottingham); Adrian Kelly (Oxford)




Jueves / thursday / giovedi: £25

Viernes / friday / vendredi: £15


Invited speakers: Bill Beck (Pennsylvania), Constanze Güthenke (Oxford), Johannes Haubold (Durham), Richard Hunter (Cambridge), Fausto Montana (Pavia), Franco Montanari (Genoa), René Nünlist (Cologne), Lara Pagani (Genoa), Filippomaria Pontani (Venice), Francesca Schironi (Michigan)

5 July Registration will open at 10.30am. Opening remarks will start at 11. The papers will end at around 6.30pm. Fausto Montana (Pavia), ‘Exegetical dialogue through compilation. Examples from the h-family of the Iliad scholia’ Johannes Haubold (Durham), ‘The scholiast as poet: John Tzetzes and his Allegories of the Iliad’ René Nünlist (Cologne), ‘A runaway slave among the Greek grammarians’ Francesca Schironi (Michigan), ‘Aristarchus in his own words? What can the “most secure” Aristarchean fragments tell us about the Homeric scholia as sources for Aristarchus’ commentaries on Homer?’ Richard Hunter (Cambridge), ‘Some problems in the “Deception of Zeus”’ Bill Beck (Pennsylvania), ‘Arguments from σιωπώμενον: reassessing the evidence for the “Cretan Odyssey”’ 6 July (9.30am – 4pm) Filippomaria Pontani (Venice), ‘Translating Homeric scholia: a historical outlook’ Tom Phillips (Oxford), ‘Philological responsibilities’ Constanze Güthenke (Oxford), ‘”The Alexandrian scholar poets are our ancestors” (Pfeiffer): Ancient scholarship and modern self-perception’ Workshop: Selections of scholia with English translations will be circulated in advance. All participants are invited to reflect on how these can best be emended, translated, interpreted, and used in research and teaching. Discussion introduced by Bill Beck and Oliver Thomas.

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