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Conflicting Chronologies in the Pre-modern World: Measuring Time from Antiquity to the Middle Ages a

Questions of chronology in specific historical periods (e.g. ancient Greece, Augustan Rome, medieval England, the Renaissance) have received a lot of attention. This interdisciplinary conference will build on these studies by offering scholars a chance to come together and engage in comparative work. The keynote speakers are Stephen Heyworth (University of Oxford), Responses to Caesar's Calendar in Vergil, Ovid, and the inscribed Fasti, and Roy Liuzza (University of Tennessee), Well-tempered instruments – measuring and marking the hours of the day in Early Medieval England.

FECHA/DATE/DATA : 04-05-06/10/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Helen Dixon (UCD School of Classics) ; Rebecca Stephenson (UCD School of English Drama Film)



-Estándar/standard/standard: €40

-Estudiantes y desempleados/students and unemployed/studenti e disoccupati: €20

The registration fee includes:

  • Refreshments at all breaks

  • Lunch on Friday the 5th of October 2018.

Please note: the registration fee does not include the conference dinner on Thursday the 4th of October.

For accommodation suggestions see


Programa provisional disponible/ provisional program available/ programma provvisorio disponibile: Aquí/here/qui

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