2nd Annual International Graduate Edinburgh Byzantine Conference. "Reception, Appropriation, an

This conference will be hosted by the Late Antique and Byzantine Studies Research Group of the University of Edinburgh from 30 November-1 December 2018, and will explore all three of the fundamental modes of dialogue and discourse (reception, appropriation and innovation) between Byzantium and its neighbours during any time period from the 5th-15th c.
FECHA/DATE/DATA : 30/11-01/12/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: M. Barber; A. Grant; M. Huggins; M. Randazzo; M. Riso
INFO: edibyzpg@ed.ac.uk
Confirmed speakers include Prof. Claudia Rapp (Vienna), Dr. Andrew Marsham (Cambridge), Fr. Justin Sinaites (Librarian of St. Catherine’s, Mt. Sinai), Prof. Jim Crow (Edinburgh), Prof. Niels Gaul (Edinburgh), Prof. Jaako Hameen- Anttila (Edinburgh) and Dr. Tom Brown (Edinburgh).