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Classical Art Research Centre Workshop 2018: Ancient Britain and Classical Art - 27-28/09/2018, Oxf

CARC’s next annual workshop, 'Ancient Britain and Classical Art', will be held in the Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LU on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th September. This workshop examines the complex relationship between the visual cultures of ancient Britain and the Graeco-Roman traditions of the Continent and the Mediterranean over a period of a thousand years. Considering not only the period of Roman Britain but also the art of the pre-Roman Iron Age and the early Anglo-Saxon period, the workshop aims to stimulate dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. The abstract is downloadable on the CARC website ( and details of the programme will follow soon.

FECHA/DATE/DATA : 27-28/09/2018

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Ioannou Centre (Oxford, England)


INFO: PDF - web -


[email to: ]

Thursday 27th September, 2018

0930 Welcome and Introduction Dr Peter Stewart (Director, Classical Art Research Centre)

0945 From Celtic to Classical: Contrasting Sensibilities and Styles? Prof Chris Gosden (University of Oxford)

1045 Break - coffee and tea

1115 Objects in Graves in S. Britain and N. Gaul, c. 100 BC – AD 100: Genealogy, Connectivity, and the Inter-Artefactual Domain Dr Martin Pitts (University of Exeter)

1215 Augustan and Other Classical Imagery in Post-Caesarian Britain – Contested Mechanisms and Meanings Dr John Creighton (University of Reading)

1315 Lunch (provided for speakers only)

1400 Changing the Past and the Present: Metalwork and the Transformation of Insular and Classical art, 100 BC – AD 400(ish) Dr Fraser Hunter (National Museums of Scotland)

1500 Style and Schema in Romano-British Cult Iconography Prof Miranda Aldhouse-Green (University of Cardiff)

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Movements of Art through Time and Space: Asking Old Questions and Finding Strange Answers Dr Eleri Cousins (University of St Andrews)

1730 Concluding comments; reception.

Friday 28th September, 2018

0930 Enamelling: The Art of the Barbarians in the Ocean Dr Susan Walker (University of Oxford)

1030 Break - coffee and tea

1100 Reshaping Visual Culture: Connected Case Studies from Maryport, Cumbria Prof Ian Haynes (University of Newcastle)

1200 Reflections of Rome and Romanitas in early Anglo-Saxon Art Dr Meg Boulton (University of York)

1300 Lunch (provided for speakers only)

1400 What Past, Which Inheritance in Post-Roman Celtic Art Dr Susan Youngs (formerly British Museum)

1500 Do Things Made in Fifth-Century Britain Have an Ethnicity? Prof Robin Fleming (Boston College)

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Britain, Rome and the Continuity of British Art: 200 BCE to 800 CE Prof Martin Henig (Oxford)

1730 Round-table discussion and concluding comments

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