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Reconstructing & Adapting Ancient Greek Fragmentary Tragedy: Methodologies & Challenges for

This one-day workshop on “Reconstructing & Adapting Ancient Greek Fragmentary Tragedy” will be the first of its kind and will look at the Methodologies & Challenges for Classicists and Theatre Practitioners bringing to life the lost Greek plays. Experts from Classics, English and Drama as well as playwrights and theatremakers will discuss their own take on the lost plays, producing an engaging and informative workshop addressed at colleagues, students, theatre artists and members of the public interested in the undiscovered plays of Greek civilisation.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02/06/2018


INFO: web


Gratis/ Free /Gratuito


11.00-11.15 Registration

11.15-11.30 Andriana Domouzi

Short Introduction to the study of Fragmentary Greek tragedies and their Reception

11.30-12.00 Timberlake Wertenbaker (playwright, screenplay writer & translator):

The Love of the Nightingale inspired by Sophocles’ Tereus

12.00-12.30 Adam Roberts (science fiction writer & Prof. of 19th century Literature, Royal Holloway):

Euripides’ Phaethon, Telephus and Hypsipyle

12.30-13.00 Q&A

13.00-14.00 Lunch Break (own arrangements; coffee/tea & snacks provided)

14.00-14.30 Leta Koutsohera (poet, playwright & painter) &

Lily Karadima (artistic director of theatre & dance company ‘Atrapos’):

Euripides’ Cretans

14.30-15.00 David Stuttard (writer, theatre director, dramaturg & classical scholar):

Euripides’ Alexandros, Palamedes and Sisyphus

15.00-15.15 Q&A

15.15-15.30 Break

15.30-16.10 Colin Teevan (playwright, translator & Prof. of Playwriting and Screenwriting, Birkbeck) &

Martin Wylde (theatre director & Lecturer in Acting, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama):

Euripides’ Alcmaeon in Corinth (first performed as Cock of the North)

16.10-16.30 Q&A and Closing Remarks

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