The Dancing Floor of Ares II. Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece - 24/05/2018, F
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 02/06/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland)
08.45 Welcome & introduction Fabienne Marchand & Hans Beck
09.00 The End of a World: Local Violence and Regional Conflicts in Mycenaean Boeotia?
Laetitia Phialon (University of Fribourg / UMR 7041 ArScAn, Univ. Paris I, Univ. Paris Ouest)
09.45 Federalism and Local Violence: the Battle of Koroneia Revisited
Hans Beck (McGill University)
10.30 Break
11.00 The Liberation of Thebes (379 BC) as a Theban Revolution: Theban Politics as a Closed Framework
Salvatore Tufano (Sapienza University of Rome / University of Fribourg)
11.45 Kai polemou kai eirēnēs: Military Magistrates at War and at Peace in Hellenistic Boiotia
Alex McAuley (Cardiff University)
12.30 Lunch Break
14.15 Genealogies and Violence. Central Greece in the Making
Elena Franchi (University of Trento)
15.00 The Making of a Fetter of Greece: Chalcis in the Hellenistic Period
Fabienne Marchand (University of Fribourg)
16.15 La guerre ou la paix? Pouvoir s’affronter sans violence. A propos de SEG XIII 327 (IG VII 187+188)
Marcel Piérart (University of Fribourg)
17.00 Discussion & concluding remarks