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Portraying Cicero - 15-16-17/05/2019, Roma (Italy)

Cicero has exerted a durable impact on intellectual life throughout the centuries. Universally recognized as a master of Roman prose and the embodiment of the art of words, he has influenced the history of ideas and contributed to the intellectual maturation of generations of students and scholars. Yet his controversial position in Roman politics has elicited different reactions since late Republic. As a historical figure, he has encountered criticism from intellectuals and men of culture. As Zielinski (Cicero imWandel der Jahrundherte) has shown, each age has reacted to Cicero with its own sensibility. This conference aims to explore how Cicero has been represented- and interpreted- over the times. It seeks to shed light on the multiple, often contrasting, ways in which Cicero was received by later scholars and intellectuals. Special attention will be paid then to the reception of Cicero as an individual and man of letters, including his fortune as philosopher, epistolographer, and orator and his presence in literature and culture in modern times.

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 15-16-17/05/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Francesca Romana Berno; Leopoldo Gamberale; Giuseppe La Bua; Ermanno Malaspina; Emidio Spinelli.




Confirmed speakers are: Catherine Steel, Henriette van der Blom, Robert A. Kaster, James Zeztel,Philippe Rousselot, François Prost.

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