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CALL. 15.06.2018: Distinctive Traits of Humanism in the Iberian Peninsula and Spanish and Portuguese

The research group "Spanish Humanists", created in 1989 by Dr. Gaspar Morocho at the University of León, has already left a mark, through its publications, scientific meetings and other initiatives, in this academic field, with a research work in steady progression, reaching out to other research groups and individual researchers from other Universities. Currently the work is centralized in the Institute of Humanism and Classical Tradition in León. In this 14. Meeting, taking advantage of the special situation of Santiago de Compostela in the Iberian Peninsula and in relation to America, the focus will be on what defines and distinguishes Humanism in the Iberian context (with the differences to be explored between Portugal and the rest of the Peninsula), and its projection in America. There will also be a monographic session dedicated to Humanism in Galicia.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Maria Teresa Amado Rodríguez ; Concepción Cabrillana Leal ; María José García Blanco ; José Virgilio García Trabazo ; Amelia Pereiro Pardo.



The thematic lines will be: -Distinctive Traits of Humanism in Spain, Portugal and Spanish and Portuguese America in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. -The renewal of the Christian tradition and the echoes of pagan classicism in Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American humanism of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. -The use of Latin and vernacular languages in Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American Humanism of the sixteenth and sixteenth centuries: neo-Latin versus translation. -The history and historiography of the vision of Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American humanism from the 18th onwards. -Humanism in Galicia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Coordination: Angel Ruiz. Scientific Comittee: José Manuel Diaz de Bustamante (USC), Elisa Lage Cotos (USC), José María Maestre Maestre (UCA), Isabel Morán Cabanas (USC), Jesús-María Nieto Ibáñez (ULE), Jesús Paniagua Pérez (ULE), Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro (USC). Organizing Comittee (USC): Maria Teresa Amado Rodríguez, Concepción Cabrillana Leal, María José García Blanco, José Virgilio García Trabazo, Amelia Pereiro Pardo. Sponsors: Instituto de Humanismo y Tradición Clásica – Universidad de León. Grupo de Investigación «Estudos Clásicos e Medievais» - USC. SEEC Galicia. Keynote Speakers: 1. Francisco García Jurado. Professor of Latin Philology (UCM): "Alfredo Adolfo Camús (1817-1889) and the Literary History of Renaissance". 2. Javier de Navascués. Professors of Hispanic American Literature (UNAV): “American Colonial Epic, between the Chronicles and the Classical Tradition”. 3. Armando Pego. Professor of Humanities (URL): “¿A Monastic Humanism? Spanish Spiritual Literature through the Renaissance”. COMMUNICATION PROPOSALS Participants who wish to submit a communication must send a summary of a maximum of 200 words, including the title, the summary and bibliography to as well as personal data (postal address, e-mail and work center). The deadline is June, 15th 2018. The proposals will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and their acceptance will be informed before July 1st, 2018. La cuenta bancaria es: IBAN: ES08 2080 0343 0230 4000 5068 // C.C.C.: Código BIC/Swift: CAGLESMMXXX con el concepto: «14 Reunión Humanistas». INSCRIPTION: Registration can be made until September 10, 2018 at, sending personal information: name, postal address, e-mail and work center. The registration fee is € 60 for participants with communication and € 30 for participants without communication and students. The members of the Research Groups of the Project of the University of León are exempt. The bank account is: IBAN: ES08 2080 0343 0230 4000 5068 // C.C.C .: Code BIC / Swift: CAGLESMMXXX with the line: «14 Reunion Humanistas».

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