Migration and Mobility across the Roman-Persian frontier, 3rd-7th c. A.D. - 13-14-15/12/2018, Tübing

We would like to invite historians and archaeologists to submit proposals for papers to be delivered at a two-day conference (December 13-15, 2018) at the University of Tübingen on migration and mobility across the Roman-Persian frontier in Late Antiquity.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-14-15/12/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Philosophische Fakultät, Tübingen University, (Tübingen, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ekaterina Nechaeva ; Alexander Sarantis. DFG (German Research Foundation) Centre for Advanced Studies Project on Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages Project (Directors: Mischa Meier, Steffen Patzold and Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner).
INFO: Web - luisa.luiz@uni-tuebingen.de
Thursday 13th December Oberschulamt, Keplerstraße 2, Hörsaal 001 19.00 Keynote Lecture James Howard-Johnston (Oxford) ‘Military and political mobility within and across the Eastern Roman-Sasanid Persian frontier regions’ Friday 14th December Schloss Hohentübingen, Fürstenzimmer 9.30-10.00 Registration 10.00-10.15 Introduction Ekaterina Nechaeva (Tübingen) / Alexander Sarantis (Tübingen) 10.15-11.15 Sassanid Persia Salvatore Liccardo (Vienna) ‘Representing Persia: geography of otherness in the Tabula Peutingeriana’ Yuliya Minets (Princeton) ‘“Rushing noise” and “mingled clamor”: The Persian language and its speakers from the perspective of their western neighbours in Late Antiquity’ 11.15-11.45 Coffee 11.45-12.45 Mobility & Technology Transfer Giulio Maresca (Naples) ‘Bridges between Rome and Persia’ Brahim M’Barek (Strasbourg) ‘Roman military architecture on the Eastern frontier in the context of population and technology transfer’ 12.45-14.30 Lunch 14.30-15.30 Religions & Mobility: Going East I Josef Rist (Bochum) ‘Bischof Maruta von Maiperqat: Spätantike Kirchenpolitik zwischen Rom und Persien’ Luise Marion Frenkel (Cambridge) ‘Roman missionary activity in 4th to 5th c. Sassanid Persia’ 15.30 – 15.45 Comfort break 15.45 – 16.45 Religions & Mobility: Going East II Zofia Brzozowska (Łódź) ‘Captives and refugees. The forced migration of the inhabitants of the Byzantine eastern frontier during the 6th-7th centuries in light of Byzantine hagiographical texts’ Craig Morley (Chester) ‘The forced movement of Christians across the Roman-Sassanian frontier’ 16.45-17.15 Coffee 17.15-18.15 Religions & Mobility: Going West Daniel Oltean (Leuven) ‘Borrowing religious models, shaping local identity: East Syrian monastic mobility across the Roman-Persian frontier (4th-7th centuries)’ Shihong Lin (Manchester) ‘A Saint on the move: the life and afterlives of St Golinduch’ Saturday 15th December Schloss Hohentübingen, Fürstenzimmer 9.30-11.00 Transcaucasia and Armenia Ian Colvin (Cambridge) ‘Controlling migration and mobility in Lazika and the south Caucasus, 3rd-7th c. A.D.’ Frank Schleicher (Jena) ‘Das Imperium als Arbeitplatz. Iberer in römischen Diensten’ Teresa Wolińska (Łódź) ‘In search of a better patron: Armenian warriors in Persian and Byzantine service in the 6th century’ 11.00-11.30 Coffee 11.30-12.30 Warfare & Nomads Georgios Kardaras (Athens) ‘The steppe nomads in the frame of the Byzantine-Persian conflicts (491-565)’ Jakob Ecker (Innsbruck) ‘Huns at the gates. The depiction of Huns as influencing Roman-Persian relations in Procopius and Pseudo-Zachariah’ 12.30-13.00 Concluding Discussion