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Constructing Authors and Readers in the Appendices Vergiliana, Tibulliana, and Ovidiana - 06-07-08/0

A three-day conference on the construction of author and reader in relation to the (collections of) poems that constitute the Appendix Vergiliana, the Appendix Tibulliana, and a group of poems associated with Ovid that one might call the Appendix Ouidiana.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 06-07-08/09/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Tristan Franklinos (University of Oxford); Laurel Fulkerson (Florida State University)



Owing to generous funding from the Classical Association, we are in a position to defray the cost of the registration fee for graduate students wishing to attend. Registration should be completed as usual, following the link below, and graduates wishing to apply for the defrayal should contact


Thursday 6th September



Opening remarks

0850–0900 TEF/LF

Session 1 Chair: Krešimir Vuković

0900–0945 Tristan Franklinos

A muleteer, wet buttocks, and a wine-jug(?): reader and author in (some of) the iambic Catalepton.

0945–1030 Boris Kayachev

Catalepton 9 and Valgius Rufus.

1030–1100 Coffee & tea.

Session 2 Chair: Stephen Heyworth

1100–1145 Robert Maltby

Tibullan impersonation in the Messalla Panegyric [Tib.] 3.7.

1145–1230 Giuseppe La Bua

Celebrating the Death of Elegy: Lygdamus’ Elegies (Tib. 3.1–6).

1230–1400 Lunch.

Session 3 Chair: t.b.a.

1400–1445 Laurel Fulkerson

Roman epyllia and the mythical antecedents of the Ciris.

1445–1530 Antony Augoustakis

Scylla’s lament in the Ciris and the Latin literary tradition.

1530–1615 Damien Nelis

‘Mr. Némethy was ill-advised in attempting a task so much beyond his powers.’ Housman, Némethy, and the Ciris epyllion pseudovergilianum.

1615–1645 Coffee & tea.

Session 4 Chair: Laurel Fulkerson

1645–1730 Celia Campbell

Idle Threats: The Intertextual Landscape of the Dirae.

1730–1815 Talitha Kearey

(Self-)quotation in Virgilian pseudepigrapha.


Friday 7th September

Session 5 Chair: Damien Nelis

0900–0945 Jacqueline Fabre-Serris

Discussing Tibullus 3.9’s authorship: methods and criteria.

0945–1030 Ian Fielding

The authorship of Sulpicia.

1030–1100 Coffee & tea.

Session 6 Chair: Llewelyn Morgan

1100–1145 Sara Myers

Gardens in the Vergilian Appendix.

1145–1230 Irene Peirano Garrison

Continuing the classics: Hirtius, Sabinus, and other continuators.

1230–1400 Lunch.

Session 7 Chair: Stephen Harrison

1400–1445 Joseph Farrell

Imitatio uitarum in Vergil’s canonical works and in the Appendix Vergiliana.

1445–1530 Sheldon Brammall

And Then There Were None: The End of the Appendix Vergiliana.

1530–1615 Matthew McGowan

The Nux and its Renaissance readers: the case of Erasmus.

1615–1645 Coffee & tea.

Session 8 Chair: Ian Fielding

1645–1730 Mario Labate

Ovid’s Alleged Gigantomachy.

1730–1815 Stephen Heyworth

Preliminary thoughts on the Epicedion Drusi.

Saturday 8th September

Session 9 Chair: Matthew McGowan

0900–0945 Katharina Volk

Plumbing Ovid’s (?) Halieutica: Nature, Art and Fish.

0945–1030 Stephen Harrison

The Halieutica attributed to Ovid: issues of authenticity, reception and supplementation.

1030–1100 Coffee & tea.

Session 10 Chair: Antony Augoustakis

1100–1145 Krešimir Vuković

Double Heroides: Ovid’s or the exilic readers’ epistles?

1145–1230 Andrew Laird

Echoing Virgil and Narcissus: structure and interpretation of the Culex.

1230–1400 Lunch.

Session 11 Chair: Katharina Volk

1400–1445 Glenn Most

The Poetry of Truth: the Aetna.

1445–1530 Giulia Fanti

How to learn volcanology: didactic interactions in the Aetna.

1530–1615 Gareth Williams

Reading the accretions: volcanic action and Senecan stirrings in the Aetna.

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