International Colloquium 'Tzetzes' - 06-07-08/09/2018, Venezia (Italy)

John Tzetzes was a towering figure in the scholarly landscape of twelfth-century Constantinople, and his name crops up time and again in modern scholarship, Classical and Byzantine alike. He commented extensively on poets such as Homer, Hesiod, Aristophanes, and the intractable Lycophron. He is a source of the greatest importance for the history and transmission of scholarship in antiquity. He had access to works that are lost to us; he may have been the last person to read Hipponax at first hand before the age of papyrological discoveries. The past few decades have witnessed an increasing interest in his works, with several editions (and more in progress), a steady flow of articles, and even a few translations into modern languages. The time is ripe for scholars in classical and Byzantine studies to join forces towards a better understanding of Tzetzes and his output.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07-08/09/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Aula Baratto, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia (Venezia, Italy)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Enrico Emanuele Prodi (Università Ca’ Foscari)
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 31/07/2018
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Thanks to the generous support of the Hellenic Society and of a donor, we are able to offer two bursaries for graduate students to attend the international conference ‘Tzetzes’ (Venice, 6th-8th September 2018). Bursary holders will be offered three nights’ accommodation in Venice (5th-8th September) and a contribution towards travel expenses.
Applicants are requested to send a CV and a short paragraph to this address, detailing how attendance at the conference would benefit their studies and research. The deadline for applications is the end of Sunday 5th August; a decision will be made shortly afterwards and communicated to applicants.
The organisers’ decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into. We preemptively extent our apologies to those whose applications, given the small number of available bursaries, will not be able to accepted.
Thursday 6th September 9:30 Opening of the colloquium: Giovannella Cresci, Head of the Department of Humanities 9:40 Alessandra Bucossi – Tzetzes and the twelfth century 10:20 Frederick Lauritzen – Allegory in eleventh- and twelfth-century Constantinople (Iliad 4.1) 11:20 Vlada Stankovic – John Tzetzes as an epistolographer and a witness of the creation of Manuel Komnenos’ autocracy 12:00 Giulia Gerbi – Epistulae ad exercitationem accommodatae: notes on some fictitious epistles by John Tzetzes 14:20 Aglae Pizzone – Why a self-commentary? Tzetzes’ Historiai and the emergence of a new genre in twelfth-century Byzantium 15:00 Julián Bértola – Tzetzes’ verse scholia: a particular case of book epigrams 16:00 Tommaso Braccini – A neglected manuscript of Tzetzes’ Allegories from the Verse-chronicle: first remarks 16:40 Jacopo Cavarzeran – “Euripides talks nonsense” (schol. Eur. Hipp. 1013b) 17:20 Thomas Coward – Discerning Tzetzes: Towards a new edition of Tzetzes’ commentary on Lycophron Friday 7th September 9:00 Valeria Lovato – John Tzetzes’ reception of Orpheus, teacher of truth 9:40 Caterina Franchi – Una, nessuna, centomila: Penthesilea between Tzetzes and Eustathius 10:20 Corinne Jouanno – Tzetzes’ Alexander: between learned and popular culture 11:20 Ettore Cingano – Facing the early and classical authors: Tzetzes’ reliability as a source of rare information 12:00 Anna Novokhatko – παρὰ τῶν τεσσάρων τούτων σοφῶν: John Tzetzes as a critic 14:20 Johanna Michels – Tzetzes mythographus in Vaticanus Gr. 950 15:00 Minerva Alganza Roldán – Le Chiliadi di Tzetze e la tradizione mitografica: il caso di Palefato 16:00 Philip Rance – Tzetzes and the mechanographoi 16:40 Jesús Muñoz Morcillo – John Tzetzes on ekphrasis 17:20 Ugo Mondini – John of all trades: Carmina Iliaca and Tzetzes’ didactic programme Saturday 8th September
9:00 Marc Lauxtermann – Buffaloes and bastards: Tzetzes on metre 9:40 Baukje van den Berg – Verses for his deceased brother: John Tzetzes’ didactic poetry and his treatise on metres 10:20 Enrico Magnelli – Tzetzes’ hexameter: not so unruly? 11:20 Yulia Mantova – Tzetzes’ legacy as a source on the socio-cultural use of invective in Byzantium 12:00 Tomasz Labuk – Tzetzes on the foul literary cuisine: contemporary Byzantine discourses and ancient literary engagements