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Classical Archaeology in the Modern Middle East: Conflicts and Communities - 24/09/2018, London (En

An afternoon workshop dealing with archaeology and heritage in a war zone and after, with a special accent on local communities

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 24/09/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London

INFO: web -



12: 50 Introductions

1-2:00 "Archaeologists and the Management of Heritage Damage in the Time of War: The Syrian Case”

Laurence Gillot, Université Paris 7.

2-3:00 "Hello! is it (not) me you are looking for?" The Many Local Communities of Middle Eastern Living Heritage Sites

Heba Abd el Gawad, University of Durham

3:00-3:30 Coffee

3:30-4:30 The Ghost of Palmyra Yet-to-Come? Exploring Memory, People and Place in Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Zena Kamash, Royal Holloway

4:30-5:00 Discussion

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