CALL. 06.08.2018: Subjugated Bodies & the Other in Art of the Ancient World (Panel at CAA 107th

Below please find the details for a session that we are chairing at the annual College Art Association meeting that will be held in New York City from February 13-16, 2019.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: New York Hilton Midtown, (New York, NY, USA)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Caitlin Earley (University of Nevada, Reno) ; Tara Prakash (Metropolitan Museum of Art). CAA 107th Annual Conference.
Artists throughout the ancient world used a variety of visual strategies to negotiate cultural differences. One particularly effective strategy was the depiction of the Other in the form of a subjugated body, such as a captive or war prisoner. This type of imagery played an important role in diverse pre-modern cultures. For example, in ancient Egypt, captive imagery magically enabled the king to perform one of his most fundamental duties, namely the maintenance of Egypt and cosmic order. In Maya culture, subjugated bodies endowed rulers with the right to rule and performed moral narratives for elite audiences. Yet studies of ancient art have typically focused on the representation of powerful bodies at the expense of the disempowered. This panel seeks contributions that investigate the body of the Other in the art of global pre-modern cultures before 1500 CE. Papers that consider how representations of subjugated bodies negotiated cultural identity; the ability of such imagery to speak to performance and ritual; the ways in which captive bodies interacted with architectural contexts; and the agency of the Other in ancient art are especially welcome. By bringing together scholars working from various cultural perspectives, we hope to initiate conversations across multiple fields of art history and develop innovative methodologies, theoretical models, and approaches for the study of subjugated bodies and the Other in the art of the ancient world.