CALL. 30.09.2018: The City in History: Life, Power and Society in Urban Spaces - Madrid (Spain)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Asociación Académica UCM "Jóvenes Humanistas"; Vicedecanato de Estudiantes de la Facultad de Geografia e Historia de la UCM
INFO: web -
Cities have played, since the very first settlements till our own days, an important role in humankind’s history. Numerous political movements have emerged from them, economies have flourished thanks to the urban environments and new forms of art have been developed. In parallel to the current increase of urban population in a globalized world, the growing interest in the city as subject of study has attracted a vast number of scholars. Its social complexity allows historians to extrapolate the patterns of change by assuming a manageable scope that transcends the mere case study. As a result, cities are analysed as the embodiment of modernisation in history.
As members of the Asociación de Estudiantes UCM Jóvenes Humanistas, we invite researchers from all around the world to share their research in this field. This seminar will be open to interdisciplinary approaches and different methodological frameworks to encourage academic discussion. All the submitted proposals will be reviewed subsequently and the accepted participants will be offered the possibility to publish their work. The conference will be held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and it is scheduled for the second half of November. Should you be willing to take part in this event, please email an abstract along with 10 bibliographical references and a brief CV to by 30 September 2018.