CALL. 16.10.2018 [PAPERS/PANELS] Neo-Latin Symposium 2019 - Cork (Ireland)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University College Cork (Cork, Ireland)
INFO: web -
The Seventh Annual Cork/Lexington Neo-Latin Symposium will take place 11-13 April, 2019 in Cork, Ireland, hosted by the Centre for Neo-Latin Studies, University College Cork.
The Neo-Latin Symposium is devoted to the presentation of scholarly research in the area of Renaissance and Post-Renaissance Latin Studies. The symposium was established in 2013 by Professor Jennifer Tunberg at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, under the auspices of the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (KFLC). Since 2017 it has been held in Lexington and Cork in alternate years as part of a continuing collaboration between University College Cork and the University of Kentucky (Lexington).
Abstracts are invited in all areas and aspects of Neo-Latin Studies, which may embrace linguistic, literary or historical approaches to the examination of texts and their contexts.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:
Neo-Latin Literature, Neo-Latin Historiography and Ethnography, Neo-Latin Language and Style, Neo-Latin Imitation, Adaptation or Translation from the Vernacular, Neo-Latin Letter Collections, Journals, Biographies, Autobiographies, Neo-Latin Pedagogy, Neo-Latin Rhetoric, Neo-Latin Treatises on Architecture, Botany, Cartography, Geography, Mathematics, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Theology, Science, etc.
Papers are 20 minutes followed by a 10-minute question & answer session. In addition to individual abstracts for paper presentations, proposals for panels of 3 papers will be considered. The deadline for abstract submission is 16 November 2018.
Individually submitted abstracts should be no more than 250 words.
Proposals for individual papers should be submitted as follows:
The proposer should email a panel proposal to The proposal should consist of the name, contact information, and affiliation of the speaker(s), and an abstract of the proposed paper.
Panel proposals of 3 presentations should be submitted as follows:
The panel organizer should email a panel proposal to The panel proposal should consist of a single document containing the theme of the panel, the organizer's name and contact information, the names, contact information and affiliations of the panel participants, and an individual abstract for each participant.
Papers should be read in English. Acceptance of a paper or complete panel implies a commitment on the part of all participants to register and attend the conference. A registration fee of €50 will apply to all participants of the symposium. All presenters must pay the registration fee by 15 February, 2019 in order to confirm participation and be included in the program.