Liberating Classics: teaching innovation and creativity in the 21st century - 21/09/2018, London (En

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21/09/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Greek & Latin, UCL Gordon House (London, England)
INFO: web -
9.00-10.00 Registration
10.00-10.15 Introduction – Antony Makrinos
10:15-11.45 – Session 1 - Teaching Ancient Languages: methodology
Antony Makrinos (UCL) / Federica Micucci (UCL) – “Object-Based Learning: Teaching Greek with the mummies at the Petrie Museum“
Nicolò Benzi (UCL) – “E-learning: An introduction on teaching Latin”
Dimitra Kokkini (Birkbeck): “An introduction on teaching Greek”
11.45-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-1:00 Session 2 – Research based education and student participation
Christine Plastow (OU): “student-staff partnerships and research-based teaching and learning in Classics”
Manuela Irarrazabal Eliott (UCL): “Widening student participation and engagement in Classics”
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.00 Session 3 – Teaching Classics in Museums and Libraries
Antonio Cartolano (Goldsmiths): “Teaching Classics in museums”
Cristian Ispir (British Library): “Teaching Classics the medieval way: manuscripts from the British Library”
3.00-3.15 Coffee break
3.15-4.45 Session 4 – providing support for PGTAs
Nick Grindle (UCL ARENA) – How the UCL Arena Centre can help you survive the first chapters of your teaching odyssey
Suzanne Trau (UCL Library) – "UCL Library: supporting students and staff in teaching and research”
Robbie Macaulay (UCL): “How not to destroy your Departmental Manager”