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‘Connecting Classical Collections’: Bringing museums together to explore the potential for a new Sub

This one-day event aims to explore the potential for a new Subject Specialist Network for classical collections, and to shape its development. ‘Classical’ collections are defined broadly as collections from the ancient Mediterranean, including Greek, Etruscan, Roman and Cypriot material. There are at least 70 such collections across the UK, which have varying levels of curatorial support, and there is scope to do more by pooling expertise and sharing experiences. The aim of the proposed SSN is to share best practice, develop collective responses to challenges, and to make the best use of these collections.

Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the potential role of a new SSN, including the extent of its remit, and to give their views on the way forward. Focusing on the theme of ‘Activism’, the workshop will also present case studies of museum projects which connect classical collections with contemporary social issues. Please join us for a day of networking and inspiration, to help shape the future of classical collections in museums.

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 14/09/2018


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