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50 years of London's archaeology - 06/10/2018, London (England)

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 06/10/2018


INFO: - web



London Archaeologist celebrates its 50th anniversary with its first ever conference, covering major archaeological events, developments and issues since 1968. These 50 years have seen not only major discoveries -- from the Roman amphitheatre, to Saxon Lundenwic, to the Rose and other Shakespearean theatres -- but also significant advances in the detection, excavation, analysis and processing of archaeology.

Organised in collaboration with our partners King's College London Classics Department, the conference will feature Peter Marsden and Harvey Sheldon, instrumental in our first issue in 1968, as well as a host of other speakers from a range of organisations and disciplines, such as Inspector of Ancient Monuments Jane Sidell from Historic England and Osteologist Jelena Bekvalec from the Museum of London. Following the review of developments over the past five decades, a panel of the heads of five major archaeological contractors will discuss the future of London's archaeology to round off the day. Displays from organisations across the capital will be available and a celebratory reception will follow. The outline programme is available on the London Archaeologist website: .Other updates will also be posted there.

Booking is available to members only (plus up to one guest) until August, when we will open booking to the wider public. Tickets include the full day conference, morning coffee and a drink at our 50th anniversary party following the conference. Options are available when booking to pre-order a packed lunch, or commemmorative LA50 t-shirts or travel mugs to be collected at the conference. These options will only be available when you book your ticket, and attract no additional booking fee. Please note when booking for yourself and a guest, that we will need both names in order for King's College security to check everyone off the attendee list.

In August, we will open booking to the general public, and will also make a limited number of tickets available free for students.

If the event sells out, we will operate a waiting list. Refunds will only be available if the place can be filled by someone from the waiting list.

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