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Ancient Lives, New Stories. Current Research on the Ancient Near East - 01-02/12/2018, London (Engla

The London Postgraduate Conference for the Ancient Near East is an opportunity for graduate students and early career researchers to showcase their research at any stage of progress. The primary aim of this event is to create a forum of discussion for emerging scholars and to foster exchanges between the diverse disciplines working on the Ancient Near East, including Archaeology, Assyriology, Anthropology, Historiography, Conservation and Museum Studies. Participants are encouraged to reflect on aspects of their research related to topics including but not limited to: Movement and communication, Trade and crafts, Private and public life, Architecture and the household, Environment and subsistence, Sacred and profane.

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 01-02/12/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Xosé L. Hermoso-Buxán (Institute of Archaeology, UCL); Mathilde Touillon-Ricci (The British Museum & SOAS-University of London)

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Fecha límite/deadline/scadenza: 11/11/2018

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Keynote speakers:

Professor Andrew George (SOAS - University of London)

Professor Nicholas Postgate (University of Cambridge)

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