CALL. 31.10.2018: Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists - Cairo (Egypt)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Mena House Hotel Marriot (Cairo, Egypt)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ahmed Ebeid (Director of the Minister’s Office, MoA); Ali Ahmed Ali (Director of the Minister’s Technical Office, MoA); Nevine El-Aref (Deputy Editor in Chief of Al-Ahram Weekly); Mennat-Allah El Dorry (Post-Doctoral Fellow, IFAO and PCMA); Hisham Elleithy (Director of Center of Documentation, MoA); Basem Gehad (Minister’s Assistant for Human Resources, MoA); Noha Hafiz (Software and Application Developer, MoA); Mohamed Ismail Khaled (Director of Foreign Missions, MoA); Essam Nagy (Director of EES Office in Cairo); Hussein Refaai (Head of the Financial Sector, MoA); Eman Zidan (Minister’s Assistant for Fund Raising, MoA); Mohamed Saad (Inspector of Antiquities, MoA; Coordinator)
INFO: web -
Papers will be grouped in different sessions dedicated to the following themes:
1. Archaeology: Current Methods and Fieldwork
2. Art & Architecture
3. Site Management, Conservation and Preservation
4. History
5. Views on the Egyptian Past - History of Egyptology - Ancient Egypt and Abroad
6. Language, Literature and Texts
7. Archaeological Science and Technology
8. Museums & Collections
9. Religion Thoughts
10. Social Life in Ancient Egypt
This list is subject to change. These themes will provide a focus for papers and discussions.
Papers will be assigned to individual sessions within these wider themes according to the submitted abstracts. Papers that do not fit into a theme will be placed in the major disciplines of archaeology, art, religion, and language/literature.
· Abstracts for papers and posters should be no longer than 1500 characters. Their titles must not exceed 200 characters (both including spaces).
· Deadline for receiving abstracts is October 31st, 2018.
· All abstracts will be peer reviewed. Authors of accepted papers will be informed via e-mail, by January 15th, 2019.
· To submit an abstract please fill in the registration form on the website: