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PeCla 2018. Pólemos – Bellum: Archaeology of Conflict in Antiquity - 06-07/12/2018, Prague (Czech Re

Conflict and its violent manifestation – the war – were one of the biggest preoccupations not only of historians in antiquity, but also of modern academic interest. The classical research dealt primarily either with the socio-historical background or the archaeological remains of this phenomenon. However, the narrowly focused studies of the 20th century have been gradually superseded in the last decade. The research focus has shifted towards a much broader understanding of the conflict and its role within the development of ancient societies, partly as a result of the post-colonial perspective, and partly through richer textual and iconographical analysis as well as a flood of new archaeological discoveries. It encompassed not only the investigation of individual historical events and adjusted archaeological finds, such as the siege-traces in Smyrna, but also the analysis of social preconditions, economic environment or cultural and psychological implications of conflicts as well as its technological and tactical patterns.

FECHA / DATE/DATA: 06-07/12/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Marek Verčík; Stanislava Kučová; Peter Pavúk; Jiří Musil; Josef Souček

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