Twelfth International Congress of Egyptologists - 03-04-05-06-07-08/11/2019, Cairo (Egypt)

As always, the Congress is an open forum for all branches of Egyptology. Participants, whether junior or senior scholars, are expected to present the highest standards of research. Kindly note that junior scholars will need at least a Master’s Degree (MA) or an equivalent degree in order to present either a poster or a presentation.
FECHA / DATE/DATA: 03-04-05-06-07-08/11/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Mena House Hotel Marriott (Cairo, Egypt)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ahmed Ebeid (Director of the Minister’s Office, MoA); Ali Ahmed Ali (Director of the Minister’s Technical Office, MoA); Nevine El-Aref (Deputy Editor in Chief of Al-Ahram Weekly); Mennat-Allah El Dorry (Post-Doctoral Fellow, IFAO and PCMA); Hisham Elleithy (Director of Center of Documentation, MoA); Basem Gehad (Minister’s Assistant for Human Resources, MoA); Noha Hafiz (Software and Application Developer, MoA); Mohamed Ismail Khaled (Director of Foreign Missions, MoA); Essam Nagy (Director of EES Office in Cairo); Hussein Refaai (Head of the Financial Sector, MoA); Eman Zidan (Minister’s Assistant for Fund Raising, MoA); Mohamed Saad (Inspector of Antiquities, MoA; Coordinator).
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