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CALL. 15.09.2018: Mind and body - New York (NY, USA)




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The Paideia Institute is pleased to welcome abstract submissions to the seventh iteration of Living Latin and Greek in New York City. This conference, which features papers delivered in Latin and Ancient Greek as well as small breakout sessions where participants practice speaking Latin and Greek under the guidance of expert instructors, will be held at Fordham University on February 16th and 17th.

The theme of this year's conference is "Mind and Body." How are the life of the mind and the life of the body related? Are they friends or enemies, equals or unequals? Are human beings made up of essentially different "parts"--and if so are there two, three or more such parts? How, ideally, do these parts interact? Does the body rule the mind, or the mind the body?

We invite proposals for short talks in Greek or Latin on this theme with examples from Ancient Greek and Latin literature. Topics might include: advice on the upkeep of the mind and/or body; literary treatments of the mind and/or body; discussions of material culture relating to the theme of mind and body. We also welcome submissions on how the theme of mind and body relates to classical language pedagogy. Outstanding submissions on other topics, especially on Latin or Greek pedagogy, will also be considered.

Please use the form below to send in an abstract of no more than 500 words. The deadline for submissions is September 15, 2018. Travel bursaries are available and can be applied for through this same form. We encourage accepted speakers to apply for external funding as well since the number of travel bursaries is limited. All talks will be recorded, subtitled, and (with each speaker's permission) published on Paideia's Youtube channel.

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