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Networking in the Ancient World: Tracing, Understanding and Interpreting Trade and Social Connection

We are pleased to inform you about the conference Networking in the Ancient World: Tracing, Understanding and Interpreting Trade and Social Connections in the Ancient World taking place on 6th December 2018, and warmly invite postgraduate students and early career researchers in Classics, Archaeology, Anthropology, Egyptology, Near Eastern studies, and other related disciplines to submit abstracts.

CONFIRMED KEYNOTE: Professor John K. Davies

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 06/12/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Kate Caraway ; Juliet Spedding. University of Liverpool.



Se ruega enviar un email a /please contact /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail a Juliet Spedding ( or Kate Caraway (

Coffee/tea+lunch are provided



09.00-09.30 Registration and Coffee

09.30-09.45 Opening Remarks

09.45-11.15 Panel One

Kate Caraway (University of Liverpool): Where are all the People? The Networking in Networks

Richard Phillips (Birkbeck): Networks of Influence: The production of marble sculpture as a basis for Parian regional influence and soft power in the Archaic and Classical periods

Peta Bulmer (University of Liverpool): Challenging the network: social connections and disconnections in Late Bronze Age Greece

11.15-11.35 Break

11.35-13.05 Panel Two

John Haberstroh (University of California, Riverside): The Social Networks of the Persian Satraps of Lydia

Antonia Sarri (University of Manchester): Networking as a Means of Dispute Settling in Greaco-Roman Egypt

Michael Wuk (University of Nottingham): Late antique oath-swearing: a case study into the creation or maintenance of local networks and negotiation of religious change

13.05-14.15 Lunch

14.15-15.45 Panel Three

Paul Kelly (Kings College London): Tracing Social Networks in Financial Markets in Roman Egypt

Toon Bongers (University of Ghent): Reconstructing economic connectivity and riverine transport networks in Roman Gaul: the case of the Scheldt basin

Romain Mougenot (Stockholm University): Material interactions and regional groupings in Iron Age North--‐western Balkans (7th--‐1st centuries B.C.)

17.45-16.00 Break

16.00-17.00 Keynote Speaker + Closing Remarks

Prof John K. Davies (University of Liverpool): Title TBC

17.00-18.30 Wine Reception

18.45 Conference Dinner

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