Diplomacy in Ancient Times: the figure of Udjahorresnet. Close readings from across the ancient worl

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13-14-15/09/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, München (München, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Dr Melanie Wasmuth (Helsinki University: Centre of Excellence inAncient Near Eastern Empires); Dr Alexander Schütze (LMU München: Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie); Prof. Dr. Andreas Schwab (LMU München: Abteilung für Griechische und Lateinische Philologie)
Se ruega enviar un email a /please contact /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail a m.wasmuth@gmx.net or alexander.schuetze@lmu.de.
Wednesday, 12 Sept. 2018 Musei Vaticani 22690 from an epigraphic perspective 13:30–14:00 welcome reception 14:00–14:45 “The statues of Udjahorresnet as archaeological artefacts” (Melanie Wasmuth, Helsinki) 14:45–16:00 small group session: reading the inscription 16:00–16:30 coffee break 16:30–17:00 plenary discussion of the epigraphic evidence 17:00–18:00 plenary session on key workshop issues 19:00 joint dinner Thursday, 13 Sept. 2018 Udjahorresnet as historical mediator 09:00–09:45 “The Inscription of Udjahorresnet and Herodotus on Cambyses in Egypt” (Andreas Schwab, Munich) 09:45–10:30 small group discussion on historical mediation 10:30–11:00 plenary discussion of preliminary results 11:00–12:30 visit to the Egyptian Museum 12:30–14:00 joint lunch 14:00–14:30 plenary discussion on the secondary place of erection Udjahorresnet’s professional functions 14:30–16:00 “The functional context of Udjahorresnet’s offices” (Alexander Schütze, Munich) “The reforms of the ‘House of Life’ as consequence of medical failure” (Francesco Lopez, Pisa) 16:00–16:30 coffee break 16:30–17:30 small group discussion on the professional functions 17:30–18:00 plenary discussion of preliminary results 19:00 joint dinner Friday, 14 Sept. 2018 Udjahorresnet as diplomatic figure 09:00–10:30 “The Udjahorresnet inscription from a political science perspective” (Alex Aissaoui, Helsinki) “Udjahorresnet from an Old Testament perspective – links with Esra and Nehemia” (Bernd Schipper, Berlin) 10:30–11:00 coffee break 11:00–12:00 small group discussion on Udjahorresnet as diplomat I 12:00–12:30 plenary discussion of preliminary results 12:30–14:00 joint lunch 14:00–15:30 “The situation in Babylonia under the reign of Cambyses” (Francis Joannès, Paris) “The political events of Udjahorresnet’s lifetime and the question of agency from a Greek perspective” (Reinhold Bichler, Innsbruck) 15:30–16:00 coffee break 16:00–17:00 small group discussion on Udjahorresnet as diplomat II 17:00–17:30 plenary discussion of preliminary results 17:30–18:00 plenary session on the publication design 19:00 joint dinner Saturday, 15 Sept. 2018 Udjahorresnet’s personal life 09:00–10:30 “Udjahorresnet’s family and social background” (Nenad Markovic, Praha) “Udjahorresnet’s second career” (Damien Agut-Labordère, Paris/Nanterre) 10:30–11:00 coffee break 11:00–12:00 plenary discussion on the Egyptian social setting 12:00–12:30 plenary session on future collaboration 12:30–14:00 joint lunch and departure