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CALL. 15.10.2018: Antique Worlds. Modern Perspectives: The Barcamp - Freiburg (Germany)

Although the scientific knowledge gained in humanistic and cultural research is generally theory-based, the explicit and reflective use of different and disparate theory-concepts has only in recent years found it´s way into the field of classical studies. The so called ‚cultural turn‘, that happened in the early 90s of the last century, can be marked as a starting point, as it led to an increased development and use of cultural studies-theories.



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Working Group “Antike Welten – Moderne Perspektiven” of the Graduate School ‘Humanities’ at the University of Freiburg

INFO: web -


Although the scientific knowledge gained in humanistic and cultural research is generally theory-based, the explicit and reflective use of different and disparate theory-concepts has only in recent years found it´s way into the field of classical studies. The so called ‚cultural turn‘, that happened in the early 90s of the last century, can be marked as a starting point, as it led to an increased development and use of cultural studies-theories.

This movement also reached the different disciplines of classical studies, in which henceforward there can be witnessed a steadily increased use and development of these cultural studies-key concepts. Now theories, such as the ‘Material-Agency Theory’ or ‘Actor-Network Theory’, that already have been used for some time in the English-speaking regions, make their way into classical studies-investigations around here and complement for instance spatial-sociological or media-theoretically studies, whose potential already has been discussed for some time.

But what about the concrete applicability and reflection of those methods and theories, that at first seem to be outside the subject area? How to utilize certain theoretical concepts for one’s own questioning and material? And are there any adjustments to those theoretical concepts necessary, in order to assure their fruitful use? These and further questions shall be elaborated in this Barcamp ‘Antique Worlds – Modern Perspectives’!

The main focus of this Barcamp is to discuss these questions in an interdisciplinary context: There will not only be the classical conference format with talks and following discussions but also more intensive debates, that will be held in smaller groups after short keynote-speeches. The papers shall present and discuss different theory-concepts and show how they can be used for certain questionings and how exactly they are being applied ‘in praxi’ on different matters – both of textual and material nature. The paper is expected to point out, how the use of the theory offers new insight.

There is no limitation to specific theories, nor periods, cultures, or material. The theory-concepts being presented can either be ones, that are already well known and have been extensively discussed for quite a while or innovative and so far in the German-speaking research field mostly unknown concepts and ideas.

This Barcamp addresses PhD students from all disciplines within the field of classical studies. We are looking forward to abstracts in either German or English that do not exceed 400 words. The talk is restricted to 25 minutes followed by a 15-minute discussion.

Please send your proposal for papers and short academic CV to us by 15th October 2018:

For further information please visit our Homepage: Cost-sharing is subject to funding.

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