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Cult, Temple, Sacred Spaces. Cult Practices and Cult Spaces in Hittite Anatolia and Neighbouring Cul

The symposium aims to discuss recent developments regarding the interpretation of philological and archaeological sources from Anatolia and adjacent areas in the second millennium BCE. It focuses on questions concerning the archaeology of temples and other sacred places, differences of sacred spaces according to written sources, the organization of festivals with a focus on spatial aspects, participation in festivals, and possibilities of interpretation thanks to insights into the cult practices of areas like Northern Syria, the Levant, Mesopotamia or Egypt.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 03-04-05/06/2019


INFO: web - -



Mo 3 June 2019 14.00–14.15 h Welcome 14.15–15.00 h Joachim Friedrich Quack: Festrituale im Alten Ägypten: ein Überblick mit dem Versuch einer Systematik 15.00–15.45 h Herbert Niehr: Die Ritualtexte aus Ugarit 15.45–16.15 h Coffee break 16.15–17.00 h Claus Ambos: Babylonian Temple Rituals of the 1st Millennium BC 17.00–17.45 h Nils P. Heeßel: The King in Ritual Action: The Assyrian Royal Temple Rituals 17.45–18.15 h Coffee break 18.15–19.15 h Evening keynote lecture: Gary M. Beckman: ›He has made the Labarna, the King, his administrator‹: The Role of the Hittite Monarch in Festival Performance 19.15 h Reception Tue 4 June 2019 9.15–10.00 h Andreas Schachner: Der Große Tempel von Hattuša: der hethitische Tempel par excellence? 10.00–10.30 h Matthew Susnow: House of the Deity: A Perspective from the Bronze Age Southern Levant 10.30–11.00 h Coffee break 11.00–11.30 h Meltem Doğan-Alparslan: The Hittite hišuwa- Festival and Its Terminology 11.30–12.00 h Thalia Lysen: A Performative Approach to the Celebration of Hittite Festivals 12.00–12.30 h Mark Weeden and Kimiyoshi Matsumura: Mass Participation in Ritual Activity in Second Millennium BC Anatolia 12.30–14.00 h Lunch break 14.00–14.30 h İlgi Gerçek: River Deities and River Rituals in Hittite Anatolia 14.30–15.00 h Adam Kryszeń: In the Footsteps of the Hittites: Topography and Movement in Hittite Festivals 15.00–15.30 h Yoram Cohen: Hittite Cult in Syria: Religious Imperialism or Religious Pluralism? 15.30–16.00 h Coffee break 16.00–16.45 h Andreas Müller-Karpe: Kultpersonal und Kulthandlungen in hethitischen Palästen 16.45–17.30 h Rainer M. Czichon: Nerik and Its ›Deep Spring‹ Wed 5 June 2019 9.00–9.30 h Carlo Corti: The Bread of the King: Agricultural Landscape of the Hittite Festival 9.30–10.00 h Francesco Barsacchi: ›The King goes up to the Roof‹: Hittite Nocturnal Rites Performed During the New Moon 10.00–10.30 h Charles W. Steitler: Offerings to the ›loci numinosi‹: Distinctive Features of Sacred Spaces and Cult Practices 10.30–11.00 h Coffee break 11.00–11.30 h Piotr Taracha: Remarks on Old Hittite Local Cults: A Spring Festival Celebrated by the Crown Prince in Hanhana and Vicinity (CTH 668) 11.30–12.00 h Susanne Görke: Hatti, Pala und Luwiya: Zu den Kulttraditionen der palaischen Texte aus Hattuša 12.00–12.30 h Conclusion of the conference

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