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The Postgraduate and Early Career Late Antiquity Network "‘Ideal spaces" - 14/01/2019, Lo

The workshop, generously supported and hosted by the ICS, aims at providing an informal, but focused and constructive, environment for post-graduate and early career researchers to present their work, meet others working in the field, and discuss current trends and issues. The Network provides a single platform for those working on a broad range of geographical and disciplinary areas within the period of Late Antiquity. This workshop aims to explore late-antique perceptions and conceptualisations of the relationship between real and ideal space(s).

FECHA / DATE/DATA : 14/01/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Lea Niccolai (Cambridge); Becca Grose (Reading)

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis / Free / Gratuito Deadline: 03/01/2019

Due to unexpected rescheduling we have very limited spaces available for postgraduates and early-career researchers who would like to attend the event. We invite anyone who would like to participate to the workshop to send an expression of interest to by 3/1/2019 (noon). Successful applicants will be notified by the following day. Also due to the limited space, we welcome interest from PG& ECR scholars of Late Antiquity who would like to join us for drinks and continued roundtable discussion at the same email address.


10.30 Registration and coffee 11.00 – 12.30 am Sacralising space

1) Daniel C. Cochran (independent scholar), “Trajectories of Transformation: Walking the Mosaic Pavement of Aquileia’s Cathedral”

2) Kay Boers (Utrecht University), “Violence in Church space and the Politics of Victimhood in the Fourth Century CE”

3) Sukanya Raisharma (University of Oxford), “Ideal Space for Convents in the Fifth and Sixth Century in Gaul” 12.30 – 1.30 lunch 1.30 – 3.00 pm Shaping urban and rural spaces

1) Thomas Langley (University of Cambridge), “Contrasting visions of Christian topography in Basil of Caesarea”

2) Emanuele Zimbardi (University of Rome “La Sapienza”/ Freie Universität Berlin), “Jerusalem, Niniveh, and Edessa: between real and ideal spaces in a Syriac homily of the 4th century”

3) Nerea Fernández Cadena (University of Leon), “The influence of Neighbourood Networks in Rural Spaces: Peasant Self-management System in the Iberian Peninsula (5th – 6th century)” 3.00 – 3.30 pm tea break 3.30 – 5.00 pm Constructing space in art, philosophy, and literature

1) Rachael Banes (University of Birmingham), “The Interaction between Graffiti and Formal Imagery at Four Cult-Sites in Asia Minor and Palestine c. 300-700 CE”

2) Dmitry Biriukov (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia), “John Philoponus’ doctrine of space”

3) Guy Walker (Trinity College Dublin), “Nonnus’ Cave on the Nymph” 5.00 – 6.00 roundtable discussion chaired by Rebecca Usherwood (Trinity College Dublin) Pub and dinner

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