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Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew - 02-03-04/11/2018, Mainz (Germany)

An international conference in early November 2018 will bring together experts to discuss the current status of research into the ancient Hebrew language as well as Northwest Semitic epigraphy and related subjects The Research Unit on Ancient Hebrew and Epigraphy at the Faculty of Protestant Theology at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany will hold the 13th Mainz International Colloquium on Ancient Hebrew (MICAH) from Friday, 2nd November 2018, to Sunday, 4th November 2018.

FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 02-03-04/11/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ak. Dir. Dr. Reinhard G. Lehmann, head of the Research Unit on Ancient Hebrew & Epigraphy at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.

INFO: web -



Preliminary Speakers lists

Gaby Abou Samra (Lebanese University, Beirut) An Unpublished Aramaic Bowl

James Aitken (Cambridge) Interference in Hebrew Lexicography

Erhard Blum (Tübingen) Die Wandinschrift 4.1 von Kuntillet Ajrud. Eine weitergehende Rekonstruktion und Interpretation im Kontext der israelitischen Schriftkultur

Robert S. D. Crellin (Cambridge) Measuring ambiguity in the West Semitic abjad

Andrew G. Daniel (Oxford) On the Interlocking Syntactical Structure of Verbs, Nouns, and the Relative Clause in Temporal Prepositional Phrases

Mats Eskhult (Uppsala) Thoughts on Attributive Phrases and Clauses in Biblical Hebrew

Agustinus Gianto (Rom) Modality and Evidentiality in Hebrew

Mitka R. Golub (Jerusalem) A Digital Onomasticon from Judah, Israel, and Neighboring Kingdoms

Holger Gzella (Leiden) Der Wechsel ins Aramäische in der Hebräischen Bibel und seine literarische Funktion

Jeremy Hutton (Wisconsin-Madison) The Prefix Consonant of the C- and tG-Stems in the Dialects of Aramaic: A Proposal

Robert Martin Kerr (Saarbrücken) Richter zu Kanaan und zu Karthago

Isabelle Lieutaud (Paris) The Opposition between Qatal and Yiqtol or The Issue of the Actuality in History

Alexey Lyavdanski (Moskau) Biblical Hebrew clause-linking conjunction wV-: in search of typological parallels

Paul Mosca (Vancouver) The Phoenician Inscription from Nebi Yunis (RES 367) Reexamined

Achim Müller (Worms) Das Partizip in den Ascher-Sätzen der Genesis

Tania Notarius (Halle/Bloemfontein) The Passive Participle in Ugaritic

Brinthanan Puvaneswaran (Berlin) How Hebrew became mundane – The fall of a sacred language

Nili Samet (Bar-Ilan University) Which Aramaic Dialect Stands at Background of the Book of Qohelet?

Benjamin Sass (Tel Aviv) The low chronology of West Semitic epigraphy in the early first millennium BC – its history, its advantages, and its disadvantages

Christian Stadel (Beersheva) On the Mt. Gerizim Inscriptions

Peter Stein (Jena) Gottesname und Genitivattribut? Altsüdarabische Beiträge zu Yahwe und seiner Aschera

Benjamin D. Suchard (Leiden) The Origins of the Biblical Aramaic reading tradition: tracking three features through time and space

Karoline Totsche (Mainz) Punkt - Punkt - Schaden - Strich. Syntaktisch-epigraphische Überlegungen zur Gliederung der Mescha-Stele unter Berücksichtigung der Setzung graphischer Trennzeichen.

K. Lawson Younger (Trinity International University) A Study of the Preposition b- in Samʾalian Aramaic: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach with Ramifications for the Interpretation of the Katumuwa Stela.

Abigail R. Zammit (Malta) Taking a Closer Look at Prophetic and Military Activity in the Lachish Letters: An Eighty-Year Rejoinder to Naftali Herz Tur-Sinai (Harry Torczyner)

Carsten Ziegert (Giessen) Die Lexeme חֵן und חֶ֫סֶד – ein kognitiv-linguistischer Ansatz zur Bedeutungserschließung

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