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Ippocrate e gli altri. XVI. Colloquium Hippocraticum - 25-26-27/10/2018, Roma (Italy)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 25-26-27/10/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Giuseppe Cambiano (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei) – Nicolas Laubry (Ecole française de Rome) – Daniela Manetti (University of Florence and Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli») – Lorenzo Perilli (University of Rome «Tor Vergata») – Amneris Roselli (Università of Naples “L’Orientale”). Centro Studi «Forme del Sapere nel Mondo Antico» ; Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”




Thursday 25 October 2018

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (via della Lungara 10, Rome)


Institutional addresses (Accademia dei Lincei; Organizing Committee; Prof. Giuseppe Novelli, Dean of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”)

(●) Jacques Jouanna (Paris), Hippocrate et les autres: la conception du climat

(●) Elizabeth Craik (St. Andrews), Doctors and dramatists

(●) Orly Lewis (Jerusalem), The anatomical and physiological theory of the Hippocratic Περὶ καρδίης

(●) Stavros Kouloumentas (Crete), Tracing the origins of beings: De carnibus on cosmogony and anthropogony

(●) Giulia Ecca (Berlin), Il trattato ippocratico De medico: tra deontologia e chirurgia

(●) Ieva Fibiga (Riga), Metaphor in ancient Greek medical texts and clinical terminology


(●) Markham Geller (Berlin / London), Why was there no temple medicine (Asclepieion) in Babylonia?

(●) Lorenzo Perilli (Rome), At the roots of genetics and heredity

(●) Daniela Fausti (Siena), L’eredità di Ippocrate nella farmacologia: il diverso approccio di Dioscoride, Plinio il Vecchio, Sorano, Galeno

(●) Matteo Martelli (Bologna), Ippocrate alchimista

(●) Julie Laskaris (Richmond, VA), Learning from the miners: copper in the Greek pharmacological tradition

(●) Florence Bourbon (Paris), Grain de Cnide et cumin d’Éthiopie: les médecins hippocratiques et les plantes des autres

(●) Paul Demont (Paris), Note sur trois problèmes «hippocratiques» récemment édités concernant le jeûne

(●) Irene Calà (Berlin) e Serena Buzzi (Turin), Ippocrate nei testi medici della tarda antichità: Oribasio e Aezio Amideno

Friday 26 October 2018

Ecole Française de Rome (Piazza Navona 62, Rome)


Institutional addresses (Ecole Française)

(●) Philip J. van der Eijk (Berlin), Aristotle’s medical project

(●) Ignacio Rodríguez Alfageme (Madrid), Estudio de los compuestos con κατά y παρά en el Corpus Hippocraticum

(●) Nathalie Rousseau (Paris), “Guillemets” hippocratiques: fonctions des verbes “nommer, appeler” dans le texte scientifique ancien

(●) Paul Potter (Western Ontario), Earliest extant Greek manuscripts of Diseases of Women I-II

(●) Lesley Dean Jones (Austin, TX), Ancient concepts of uterine mole

(●) Marie-Hélène Marganne (Liège), Les références à l’Égypte dans la collection hippocratique

(●) Tommaso Raiola (Naples), La chirurgia ‘dolce’ di Ippocrate nei commenti di Galeno


(●) Peter Pormann (Manchester), Hippocrates and Avicenna: the tale of two commentary traditions

(●) Véronique Boudon-Millot (Paris), Hippocrate inventeur de la clinique et les médecins clinicoi: Damocrate, Magnos et les autres

(●) María Teresa Santamaría Hernández (Castilla – La Mancha), El De augmento humorum pseudohipocrático: estructura, fuentes y función en la Medicina altomedieval

(●) Mathias Witt (Münich), Aphor., Coac. and Crises: the early compilations of the Hippocratic Corpus as witnesses of the earliest Hippocratic Collection and of lost early Hippocratic treatises

(●) Divna Soleil (Lille), Arétée de Cappadoce critique d’Hippocrate?

(●) Joel E. Mann (De Pere, WI), A discourse on method: the skepticism of περὶ φύσιος ἀνθρώπου

(●) Sergio Di Girolamo (Naples), Il Περὶ φύσιος ἀνθρώπου tra Parmenide e Melisso

Saturday 27 October 2018

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (via della Lungara 10, Rome)


(●) Heinrich von Staden (Princeton, NJ), ‘Simplicity’, ‘simple’ and their opposites in Hippocratic and Hellenistic medicine

(●) Amneris Roselli (Naples), Il regime in Affezioni interne

(●) Elsa Garcia Novo (Madrid), To narrate death in classical Greece: the Hippocratic Epidemics, Thucydides and Tragedy’s messengers

(●) Jim Hankinson (Austin, TX), The Pseudo-Hippocratic Letters and the Greek self-image of virtue and health

(●) Anna Maria Ieraci Bio (Naples), Per lo studio dell’umanesimo medico: l’Ippocrate di Giorgio Valla

(●) Rocío Martínez Prieto (Castilla – La Mancha), Apuntes sobre la transmisión latina de un escrito pseudo-hipocrático: la Capsula eburnea

(●) Marina Diaz Marcos (Castilla – La Mancha), Las referencias a Hipócrates en la traducción latina de Gerardo de Cremona del De simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus de Galeno

(●) Lutz Alexander Graumann (Gießen), The father of clubfoot treatment challenged: The Hippocratic clubfoot revisited. New medical readings of Art. 62 (L. IV 264,2 – 268,1)

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