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UK Punic/Phoenician Network Graduate Workshop - 22/02/2019, Liverpool (England)

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 22/02/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Alfred Hirt. UK Punic Network Graduate Workshop


INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Se ruega enviar un email a /please contact /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail


10:00 - 10:30 Registration/ Coffee

10:30 Alfred M. Hirt (University of Liverpool) Introduction

10:45 Alex J. Thomas (University of Leicester) ‘Territory and tribute: the Sicilian epikrateia reconsidered’(20-25 mins)

11:15 Harold Miles (University of Cardiff). ‘The Legality of Carthaginian Generals: rab mahanet and rab sheni’(20-25 mins)

11:45 Andrew Hill (Trinity College, Dublin) ‘Hamilcar of Barce? The proto-history of the Barcid dynasty and Polybius’ mixellenes’(20-25 mins)

12:15 - 13:30 Lunch

13:30 Octavio Torres Gomariz (University of Alicante). ‘A house in the outskirts: Punic features in the domestic units of the Balearic Islands (Spain)’ (20-25 mins)

14:00 Leonardo Bison (University of Bristol). ‘Organic residue analyses on pottery and foodways: a case study from Phoenician and Punic Sardinia’. (20-25 mins)

14:30 Russell Clark (University of Cambridge). ‘The Historical and Religious Context of the Ur Ivory Box’(20-25 mins)

15:00 Lamia Sassine (University of Sheffield). ‘Elusive Phoenicians: perceptions of Phoenician identity and material culture as reflected in museum records and displays’(20-25 mins)

15:30-16:00 Coffee

16:00 Natalie Mendes (University of Sydney). ‘Before Rome: The Bir Chana Mosaic and Phoenician Identity Politics’ (20-25 mins)

16:15 Ademar Quint Camara (University of Liverpool). ‘Iron Age Inscriptions’(5-10 mins)

16:30 María de los Reyes Lopez Jurado (University of Seville) ‘Up the river. Cerro del Berrueco and the Phoenician and Punic presence in the central inland areas of the Cadiz province (southern Spain)’(5-10 mins)

17:45 Sibylle Hiblot-Giudicelli (Sorbonne, Paris). ‘First Phoenician Settlements in Andalusia’(5-10 mins)

17:00 Final Discussion

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