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The British Epigraphy Society Autumn Colloquium 2018 - 10/11/2018, London (England)

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10/11/2018


INFO: web


-Estándar/standard/standard: £15

-Estudiante/student/studente: £10

-Miembro de BES/BES member/membro di BES: £8

-Miembro de BES (estudiante)/BES member (student)/membro di BES (studente): £5

There is a small number of bursaries for postgraduate students and post-docs available to help with the financial cost of attending the meeting. Information on how to apply can be found here:


10.00-11.00 Registration and Morning Coffee 11.00 Pier Luigi Morbidoni (Edinburgh): ‘Divine Brothers. The role played by the deification of Lucius Verus and Commodus in imperial inscriptions’ 11.45 Dr Katherine McDonald (Exeter): ‘Dedications to the goddess Reitia’ ​12.30 Dr Brad Bitner (Oak Hill): 'NewDocs 11: Ephesus: New directions in an epigraphical resource for scholars of the New Testament and Early Christianity' 13.15 Lunch Break 14.00 Lapides Londinienses A ‘lapidary walk’ through central London, guided by Dr Ruth Siddall (UCL), to study the building stones of Bloomsbury (several of which are inscribed) to think about the relationship between text, material and monument. Please note: this walk will take place no matter what the weather .... if you plan to take part, please come suitably equipped (with brolly, raincoat and wellies if necessary!). MEET @ reception desk in Senate House (in front of the lifts) at 13.55! 15.00 AGM (Members only) 15.30 Prof. Lene Rubinstein (RHUL): ‘Childless widows, spinster aunts, and the manumission of slaves by fictitious sale and consecration’ 16.30 Afternoon Tea 16.45 Dr Lorenzo Calvelli (Venice): ‘Trick or real? The curious case of some inscribed bronze tablets’ 17.30 Short reports ​Prof. M. H. Crawford (UCL): ‘Sacred rescripts?’ E. Theodorou (Vienna): ‘Two unpublished inscriptions from Ariassos (Pisidia)’ Dr L. Calvelli (Venice): ‘Investigating epigraphic forgeries: from Italy to Europe’ 18.15 Finale: Posters and drinks ​Dr L. Calvelli (Venice): 'Processing data on fake inscriptions: How to build the new Epigraphic Database Falsae (EDF)' A. Ghiringhelli (Edinburgh): '“Xanthos to Men the Lord”: a slave-founded cult of Men in Attica' Dr T. Sandon (Edinburgh): 'To be or not to be a slave child... Identifying enslaved children in Latin inscriptions' 19.30 Colloquium Dinner (aux frais des participants)

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