Recent Research in Ancient Black Sea Studies in Canada and Beyond (Colloquium Ponticum Canadiense) -

This one-day workshop on Ancient Black Sea Studies will feature eight presentations displaying a broad range of ongoing Classical scholarship and a variety of methodological approaches. Some of the papers are assembled around the main themes of the SSHRC-sponsored research project Ethnic Identities and Diplomatic Affiliations in the Bosporan Kingdom hosted at the University of Waterloo. Each panel combines two papers of 20-25 min each, followed by a discussion of up to 30 min.
FECHA /DATE/DATA: 12/11/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada)
INFO: web
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 05/11/2018
Se ruega enviar un email a /please contact /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail a Dr. Altay Coskun (
11:00-11:10 Welcome Address
11:10-12:30 Panel I: Colonization, Farming and Archaeology
Sveva Savelli, Queens University, Kingston ON: Athenian Ambitions in the North Aegean: the Case of Lemnos between the Ionian Revolt and the Peloponnesian War
Hugh Elton, Trent University, Peterborough ON: Agricultural Decision Making in Roman Paphlagonia and Pontus
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:50 Panel II: Migration and Ethnic Constructs
Phil Harland, York University ON: The Pontic Diaspora & Immigrant Experience in Greek Societies
Richard Wenghofer, Nipissing University, North Bay ON: Dardanians Turned into Italians: Ethnic Transformation in Vergil’s Aeneid
14:50-15:20 Tea & Coffee Break
15:20 16:40 Panel III: Two Poleis on the Northern Black Sea Coast: Civic Culture & Autonomy
Joanna Porucznik, University of Wroclaw, Poland: The Epigraphic Habit of Olbia Pontike
Altay Coskun, University of Waterloo ON: Chersonesos Taurike and the Freedom (not yet) Granted by Rome – A New Interpretation of the Embassy of C. Julius Satyrus to Rome in 46 BC (IOSPE I2 691)
16:40-17:10 Tea & Coffee Break
17:10 18:40 Panel IV: The Northern Black Sea Coast under Roman Hegemony
Gaius Stern, University of CA at Berkeley & Altay Coskun, University of Waterloo ON: Brian Rose's 'Dynamis' on the Ara Pacis Augustae
Germain Payen, University of Waterloo ON: The Aspurgian Dynasty and the End of Mithradatism
18:40 Closing Remarks
19:00 Dinner at the Mongolian Grill, University Plaza
Further confirmed participants: Anna Boshnakov, Sheridan College, Oakville ON; Konstantin Boshnakov, Conestoga College, Kitchener ON; Jonathan Edmondson, York University, Toronto ON