CALL. 15.11.2018: [SESSION 8] Territoriality in Europe in the Bronze and Iron Age. [at Socio-Enviro

Social space and natural environment amplify the concept of landscape resulting from transformation processes of human-environmental interaction patterns within the history of humankind. Different layers of human activities are visible in societal fingerprints on the natural and cultural environment. Investigating these reciprocal dynamics includes conditions of different environmental, demographic, economic, social, and ideological settings in global tendencies, regional developments, and local episodes.
A transdisciplinary effort of scientists and scholars is necessary to achieve a better understanding of societies beyond landscapes, which involves substantial changes in human-environmental relationships and the underlying interaction patterns of the past 15,000 years.
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Kiel University (Kiel, Germany)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: S. Valenzuela Lamas, D. Knitter, O. Nakoinz*, S. Schaefer-Di Maida*, W. Dörfler, I. Feeser, D. Filipovic, W. Kirleis, J. Kneisel, H. Raese
erritoriality has become a viral research topic, and it raises questions about the nature and (dis)continuity of settlement areas, which are the focus of our session.
Different modes of spatial occupation characterised the Bronze and Iron Age in Europe, ranging from farmsteads and groups of burial mounds to (political) territories, as indicated by the ‘Celtic fields’, cooking-pit fields, linear structures, and fortifications, as well as by palaeoenvironmental and economic proxies. This session aims to explore how different types of territorial organisation shape the spatial system of interaction. Do parts of the landscape represent areas of influence or even “territory”, to which the (economic) activity of individuals or communities were limited? Are there aspects of landownership and property rights that are detectable in the archaeological record?
We are also interested in the temporal aspects of the settlement locations. Is there a long-term, continual bond between the settlement areas and the visible inhabitants, despite some evident changes in the agricultural regime and material culture? Were there changes in land-use, such as in the intensity of crop cultivation, or a shift of economic focus from plant to animal husbandry (pasture farming), or different strategies of animal husbandry? Can these be connected to specific modes of spatial organization?
These aspects touch on social interaction shaped by territoriality (and vice versa) and we wonder whether territoriality caused conflicts, or if it helped reduce/resolve them? Did territoriality emerge as a result of population growth?
We are especially interested in discussing the following aspects:
Modelling of settlement and funerary landscapes
Pollen data and soil morphology as a basis for the reconstruction of landscape use
Spatial analysis in relation to regional settlement dynamics
Small-scale/local human mobility
We invite contributions addressing case studies, indicators, models, theories and interpretations from the following, but not limited to, fields of study: material culture, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, soil science, archaeometrics, palaeoentomology, stable isotopes, modelling, spatial analysis, and ethnography.