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Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 15,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI - 11-12-13-14

Social space and natural environment amplify the concept of landscape resulting from transformation processes of human-environmental interaction patterns within the history of humankind. Different layers of human activities are visible in societal fingerprints on the natural and cultural environment. Investigating these reciprocal dynamics includes conditions of different environmental, demographic, economic, social, and ideological settings in global tendencies, regional developments, and local episodes.

A transdisciplinary effort of scientists and scholars is necessary to achieve a better understanding of societies beyond landscapes, which involves substantial changes in human-environmental relationships and the underlying interaction patterns of the past 15,000 years.

FECHA /DATE/DATA : 11-12-13-14-15-16/03/2019

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Kiel University (Kiel, Germany)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: International Open Workshop: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 15,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes VI

INFO: web - pdf -


Conference fees:
  • Full conference fees (before/after January 15, 2019): 120€ /150€ (participant with or without presentation/poster)

  • Reduced conferences fees for PhD students/GSHDL members (before/after January 15, 2019): 60€/90€ (participant with or without presentation/poster)

  • Students of Kiel University: 5€ per day (just with student ID card and former registration)

  • Conference dinner fee: 50€

  • Excursion fee: 30€

The conference fees, conference dinner fees and excursion fees must be transferred to the following account by February 15, 2019:

Account holder: Landeskasse Schleswig-Holstein Bank: Bundesbank Hamburg Account number: 202 015 77 IBAN-Nr.: DE82 2000 0000 0020 2015 77 BIC-Code: MARKDEF1200 BLZ : 200 000 00

IMPORTANT! Please mention as note (Vermerk): 8888.00.11955 BA440 Fin.St. 88941010 and your name



Monday, March 11
  • Registration

  • Afternoon: Presentations of GSHDL-Alumni

  • Evening: Icebreaker

Tuesday, March 12
  • Sessions

Wednesday, March 13
  • Sessions

  • Afternoon: Poster Session

Thursday, March 14
  • Sessions

  • Evening: Dinner

Friday, March 15
  • Sessions

  • Afternoon: Concluding plenary meeting

Saturday, March 16
  • Excursion

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