International workshop "Populus romanus" - 06-07/12/2018, Durham (England)

The populus Romanus was the closest thing Rome had to a sovereign body – but what does that mean? Sometimes the populus could be thought of as equivalent to the state (allies of Rome are technically socii populi Romani, for example) while at other times it was only one constituent part of a larger entity. How did discourses of majoritarianism and republicanism work in a world where the people were the state? How did a group of individuals coalesce into a defiantly singular institution? How did concepts of the populus operate across art, literature, oratory, historiography, legal sources, philosophy? How did the various waves of massive expansion of Roman citizenship and the coming of empire affect how the populus was understood? This workshop is designed as an informal and preliminary exploration of these and related questions about the populus Romanus. Papers will be short and may be work-in-progress; discussion is encouraged.
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 06-07/12/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Pennington Room, Grey College, Durham University (Durham, England)
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 23/11/2018
Se ruega enviar un email a /please contact /sono pregati di inviare una e-mail a
Please specify if you intend to join us for dinner (if so, please list any dietary requirements). We have some funding available towards costs (including the cost of childcare) for those without access to their own research funds who would not otherwise be able to attend: please if you would like to apply.
Thursday 6 December
2 Amy Russell Welcome
Session I
Chair: Federico Santangelo
2.20 Paul du Plessis We, (some of) the people: the popular assembly as a law-making body in the late Republic
3.00 Kit Morrell The impact of civil war on the populus as a legislative institution
3.40 Coffee
Session II (this session will also function as the Durham departmental research seminar; no registration needed if attending only this session)
Chair: Amy Russell
4 Keynote: Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp QUIRITES. The Meaning(s) of Addressing the People.
5.30 Drinks
Friday 7 December
Session III
Chair: Ioannis Ziogas
9.20 Louise Hodgson Res Liberi Populi Romani
10.00 Cristina Rosillo Lopez Expressing the judgement, decisions, and authority of the Roman populus in the Late Republic
10.40 Coffee
Session IV
Chair: Ellen O’Gorman
11.10 Emilio Zucchetti Reconsidering popular subjectivity in Rome: the post-Marxist categories of "the people" and "multitude"
11.50 Ioannis Ziogas The populus in Seneca's De clementia
12.30 Final discussion
1 Close
Session II at 4pm on Thursday the 6th of December, featuring Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp’s keynote, will also function as the Departmental Research Seminar (though note the unusual location). No registration is required for those attending only this session.