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Paradeigmata: Examples and Precedents across Time -13-14/06/2019, (London, England)

The Ancient Greeks used analogical reasoning as a key cognitive and heuristic device: comparisons of new situations with past events or similar circumstances helped foster their understanding of new situations and created expectations about the potential outcome of their decisions. In classical rhetorical theory, Aristotle describes examples as inductive arguments from analogy, central to logical reasoning (Rh. 1357b 28-30); meanwhile, Anaximenes highlights the role of past actions in lending credibility to a certain statement (Rh. Al. 1429a 22-28). Speakers could indeed resort to past events and historical figures to urge or discourage a course of action, to give post factum justification to certain choices, to comfort an addressee (non tibi hoc soli), or to emphasize the uniqueness of a given situation.

The conference will include talks by Prof. Emmanuelle Danblon (L'Université Libre de Bruxelles), Dr. Jon Hesk (University of St. Andrews), Dr. Kathryn Tempest (University of Roehampton).

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-14/06/2019

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Senate House (London, England)

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: William Coles (RHUL); Giulia Maltagliati (RHUL); Matthew John Mordue (Roehampton); Katy Mortimer (RHUL); Dimitrios Xerikos (Roehampton).



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Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

On the evening of the 13th there will be a dinner at a local restaurant. If you wish to attend (at your own expense) please indicate this in your registration email.

Thanks to the generosity of the Classical Association, we are able to offer a number of small bursaries to postgraduate students to subsidise any travel expenses. If you are interested in applying, please email stating your reasons for wanting to attend the conference and whether you have other funds available.


DAY ONE: Thursday, 13th of June

13:00: Registration and welcome

13:30-13:45: Introduction (Giulia Maltagliati and William Coles, Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric, RHUL)

13:45:15-15: Panel 1 (Chair: Giulia Maltagliati)

Simone Corvasce (Pisa): The ancient theory of paradigm and Pindaric myth

Sabrina Mancuso (Pisa-Tübingen): Ino and Procne in Euripides’ tragedies: use of two mythical paradigms

Guy Westwood (Oxford): Paradigms on Stage: Comedy, Oratory, and Historical examples in Classical Athens

15:15: Break

15:45: Keynote 1

Jon Hesk (St. Andrews): Analogy, metaphor, example. Reframing and folk psychology in Athenian deliberative speeches

16:45-17:15: Break

17:15-18:45: Panel 2 (Chair: tbc)

Irene Giaquinta (Catania): Demosthenes’ historical examples in the Against Aristocrates

Benoît Sans (Bruxelles): Paradeigma: an ambiguous way of proof

Antiopi Argyriou-Casmeridis (RHUL): Moral paradeigmata in Hellenistic honorific decrees: arete as a living example

18:45-19:30: Wine reception

19:30: Conference dinner

DAY TWO: Friday, 14th of June

9:00-9:30: Tea/Coffee

9:30-10:30: Panel 3 (Chair: William Coles)

Steven Cosnett: Scipio Africanus as a negative exemplum in Livy

Elizabeth McKnight (UCL): The use of exempla-based legal argument – Cicero, the jurists and the modern common law

10:30: Keynote 2

Kathryn Tempest (Roehampton): Engineering Exemplarity: The case of M. Iunius Brutus

11:30: Coffee break

12:00-13:00: Panel 4 (Chair: Martina Russo)

Johanna Cordes (Hamburg): Mythological Examples in Ovid’s Ars amatoria

Matthew Mordue (Roehampton): Negative Exempla in Pliny the Younger’s Epistles

13:00-14:00: Lunch

14:00-15:00: Panel 5 (Chair: Kyriakoula Tzortzopoulou)

William Guast (Bristol): Declamation as Exemplum

Katarzyna Jazdzewska (Warsaw): Animal Paradeigmata in Imperial Greek Prose

15:00-15:20: Short break

15:20-16:20: Panel 6 (Chair: Katy Mortimer)

Annette Baertschi (Bryn Mawr): Exemplarity in Petrarch’s Africa

Jessica Thorne (RHUL): Bending the Bars: Franco’s Political Prisoners and the British Left, 1960-1975

Concluding Remarks (Giulia Maltagliati and William Coles, Centre for Oratory and Rhetoric, RHUL)

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