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ACE Flagship Seminar: Death - 29/11/2018, Liverpool (England)

We are proud to present the second Flagship seminar of the academic year. The theme of this event is DEATH - a central preoccupation in the study of the past. Looking at Latin epic poetry, Egyptian images, and the evidence for prehistoric ritual, our three speakers will introduce their multi-faceted research perspectives, before the floor is opened to the audience for questions, comment, discussion, and debate. Bring curious minds and interested questions!

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29/11/2018

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Ben Cartlidge; Violaine Chauvet; Rachel Pope.

INFO: web -



In a new departure, this Flagship seminar features the talents of the next generation of thinkers in the fields of Classics, Archaeology and Egyptology - postgraduate students Elaine Sanderson (Classics), Dawn Power (Egyptology) and Jo-Hannah Plug (Archaeology) - who have combined forces to share with each other, and with us, their own research perspectives on the subject of death, mortality and the human condition.

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