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ASPROM 40th Anniversary AGM Symposium on Roman Mosaics - 01/12/2018, London (England)

The Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics (ASPROM) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary at its annual Winter Symposium. This will take place at King's College London on Saturday 1st December 2018 from 1.00-5.30pm.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 01/12/2018


INFO: web -



Miembros / members / membri £10

Estudiantes / students / studenti £8

Almuerzo / lunch / pranzo £8

Inscripción online / Registration online / Registrazione online:


10.30 am Tea and coffee

11.00 Annual General Meeting

1.00 pm Anniversary Lunch and Refreshments

2.00 Symposium (with a break for tea and coffee after the second paper)

Simon Barker, ‘New methods for recording and interpreting Roman pavements with marble inserts from around the Bay of Naples’

Christopher Smith, ‘Recreating the Past: The story of the conservation and restoration of the Littlecote mosaic’

Beatrice Leal, ‘The architectural mosaics of the Great Mosque of Damascus’ Steve Cosh, ‘Recent Mosaic Finds in Britain’.

5.30 pm Close

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