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CALL. 15.12.2018: APRAB Anniversary International Conference - Bayeux (France)



ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Cyrille Billard (SRA Normandie); Sylvie Boulud-Gazo (univ. Nantes - APRAB); Guy de Mulder (univ. Gand); Cécile Germain-Vallée (CD 14); Karim Gernigon (SRA Normandie); Emmanuel Ghesquière (Inrap); Régis Issenmann (Eveha - APRAB); Isabelle Kerouanton (Inrap - APRAB); Thibault Lachenal (CNRS - APRAB); Anne Lehoërff (univ. Lille - APRAB); Cyril Marcigny (Inrap); Pierre-Yves Milcent (Univ.Toulouse - APRAB); Claude Mordant (Univ. Dijon - Pr. APRAB); Théophane Nicolas (Inrap - APRAB); Marilou Nordez (univ. Toulouse,APRAB); Brendan O’Connor (APRAB); Rebecca Peake (Inrap - APRAB); Kewin Peche-Quilichini (Inrap - APRAB); Bénédicte Quilliec (Inrap); Ben Roberts (Univ. Durham); Mafalda Roscio (Eveha - APRAB); Marc Talon (SRA Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - APRAB); Antoine Verney (Bayeux museum); Stefan Wirth (univ. Dijon - APRAB)

INFO: web -


You’re not 20 every day! Since its creation in 1999, the Association for the Promotion of Research on the Bronze Age (APRAB) has worked to co-ordinate activity and to bring together researchers working on this period in France and the rest of western Europe. This anniversary conference is an opportunity to return to Bayeux, where APRAB was founded, and to review the activities of the Association, but also to take a look at the evolution of the discipline over this time. How have its methods and practices been developed? What perception do we have of the Bronze Age today, and what problems and issues should we foresee tomorrow?

These issues will be addressed in several thematic sessions covering aspects of research relevant to the period. Preference will be given to synthetic presentations that take stock of developments over the past twenty years (20 minutes per presentation). More specific contributions (for example, on an important site or a particular theme) are also invited in the form of posters, which will be the subject of short oral presentations (5 slides in 5 minutes).

If you wish to present a paper or a poster at this conference, please send a proposal including a summary of one page maximum, in French or in English, as well as an image, to cyril.marcigny[at] before 15 December 2018.

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