CALL. 15.12.2018: International Symposium on Mythology - Ardahan (Turkey)

LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Ardahan (Ardahan, Turkey)
ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: İbrahim Okan Akkın; Berivan Vargün; Erman Kaçar; Neşe Şenel
INFO: web -
All proceedings to be submitted to our symposium will be evaluated on the condition that their topics are related to the general theme of “mythology”. However, the following suggestions are prepared to specify some possible research topics:
· Natural philosophy versus mythopoetic thought
· Myths and tragedies in Antiquity
· Mythos, philosophy and religion
· Myths and contemporary philosophy
· The effect of myths on daily life
· Myths and the sociology of space
· Myths as means of social control
· Myths and symbols
· Anatolian folk beliefs and myths
· Transition rituals (death, birth, marriage) and myths
· Myths in traditional practices
· Mythology and symbolism
· Totem and taboo
· Fear, anxiety and myths
· Mythology and gender
· Mythology and modern literature
· Myths, folktales and legends
· World Literature
· Mythology and literary criticism
Archeology & History:
· The role and function of myths in the ancient world
· Politics and mythology in the ancient world
· Mythology and the history of culture
· The mythology of ancient Greece and Rome
History of Art & Fine Arts:
· Mythology and iconography
· Neo-Platonic tradition
· Renaissance and mythology
· The significance of mythology in art education
Economy & Politics:
· Mythology and Political Science
· Mythology and Economy
· The role and function of myths in Economy Politics
· Mythology and Communication
Abstracts must be prepared both in English and Turkish. Native speakers of English or those who do not have an excellency in written Turkish do not have to provide Turkish abstracts though (abstracts in English will be translated to Turkish by the organizing committee).
Guidelines for preparing the abstract
• All abstracts must be prepared in the Microsoft Word Program. The title should be written with bold and capital letters, 14 points, centered and the font “Cambria” should be used.
• The name of the author(s) should be written with Cambria, 11 points, below the title, aligned right. Name, surname, institution and e-mail address should be indicated with a footnote marked with a “*” sign at the end of the last name.
• Page margins must be as follows: Top: 3 cm, bottom: 2.5 cm, left: 3 cm, right: 2.5 cm. Line spacing should be double with 11 points, Cambria.
• Abstracts should not exceed 300 words including the title and the author information.
• At the end of the abstracts there must be maximum five keywords.
Abstracts must be submitted to the following mail address: