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Reconstructions of the Past. How do we make them and do they matter? - 17/04/2019, Leiden (Netherlan

Archaeology studies the past through material remains of this same past, but these material remains only go so far. A leap of imagination is required to bridge the gap between the soil marks interpreted as post-holes and the reconstructed shape of the house that occupies the mind of the lay visitor to a site, the reconstruction drawing at the site, but also the scholarly discussion of whether they would have had conical or domed roofs.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 17/04/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: İbrahim Okan Akkın; Berivan Vargün; Erman Kaçar; Neşe Şenel

INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: €25 Aquí/here/qui Deadline: 10/04/2019

The fee covers coffee breaks, lunch and evening drinks. ARCHON students are eligible for reimbursement. Please contact the ARCHON research school to learn more about this.

26th A&T Symposium, 17 April 2019

09.15-10.15 Registration, coffee

Leiden University, Pieter de la Court Gebouw (Wassenaarseweg 52), zaal SB11

10.15-10.30 Opening

10.30-11.00 Nomen est omen? Facial reconstructions to mediate between past and present

Karla de Roest (University of Groningen)

11.00-11.30 When reconstruction drawings mislead

Ian Longhurst (Independent researcher)

11.30-12.00 The Art of Perception in Archaeological Visualisations

Kelvin Wilson (Independent researcher)

12.00-13.15 Lunch

13.15-13.45 Limitations and possibilities in experimental archaeology and live interpretation

Roeland Paardekooper (EXARC, Leiden)

13.45-14.15 On some adventures of rebuilding the Lower German Limes. Interpretation Framework, Curatorship, Zwammerdam Ships and Contributing Archaeology

Tom Hazenberg (1Arch/Hazenberg Archeologie; National Roman Maritime Museum; Leiden University, guest researcher)

14.15-14.45 The Talking Dead: the tale of a Mycenaean young man

Despoinia Sampatakou (Nottingham University)

14.45-15.15 Tea break

15.15-15.45 An artistic approach to deconstructing the past

Celine Murphy (Heritage Management Organisation Athens)

15.45-16.15 The lie that tells the truth

Daan van Helden (University of Leicester)

16.15-16.45 The Future of Heritage in Post-Conflict Syria

Nour A. Munawar (University of Amsterdam)

16.45-17.00 Final Discussion

17.00 Drinks reception

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