The Mesha Stele. 150 Years After The Discovery - 29/11/2018, Jerusalem (Israel)

The French Research Center in Jerusalem invites you to a conferencecelebrating the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Mesha stele.Published by Charles Clermont-Ganneau while he was at the Frenchconsulate in Jerusalem, the Mesha stele is one of the most importantarchaeological discoveries related to the Bible.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29/11/2018
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: 3 Shimshon st. (Jerusalem, Israel)
INFO: web -
14:00 Welcome (François Bon & Michael Langlois, CRFJ)
First session (Chair: Anat Mendel-Geberovich, HUJI / Israel Antiquities Authority)
14:10 Charles Clermont-Ganeau and the Mesha stele, history of discovery and reconstruction (Isabel Bonora, Musée du Louvre) 15:00 The Mesha stele: Epigraphical and historical stakes (André Lemaire, EPHE–Sorbonne) 15:50 Break Second session (Chair: Steven E. Fassberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
16:10 Remarks and reflections on the Mesha stele (Shmuel Ahituv, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) 16:40 The language of the Mesha stele (Matthew Morgenstern, Tel Aviv University) 17:10 The Mesha stele between techniques and forgeries (Michael Langlois, CRFJ) 17:40 Reception