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Gandhara Connections International Workshop 2019: The Global Connections of Gandharan Art - 18-19/03

The workshop will re-examine the links between Gandharan art and other artistic traditions, including not only those of Greece and Rome, but also China, the Iranian world and the Indian Subcontinent.

FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19/03/2019


INFO: web -

INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: gratis / free / gratuito email to


Monday 18th March, 2019

0945 Welcome and Introduction

Dr Peter Stewart (Director, Classical Art Research Centre)

1000 Warwick Ball (Editor-in-Chief, Afghanistan)

The Orbit of Gandharan Studies

1100 Break - coffee and tea

1130 Dr Marike van Aerde (Leiden University)

The Buddha and the Silk Roads: Gandharan Connections through the Karakorum Mountains and Indian Ocean Ports

1230 Lunch (provided for speakers only)

1400 Dr Martina Stoye (Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin)

On the Crossroads of Disciplines: A theory of Understanding Roman Art Images & Its Implications for the Study of Western Influence(s) in Gandharan Art

1500 Dr Peter Stewart (CARC, Oxford)

Roman Sarcophagi and Gandharan Sculpture

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Dr Tadashi Tanabe (Soka University, Tokyo/ LMU, Munich)

The Important Role of Dionysiac Imagery in Gandharan Art

1730 Prof Ian Haynes (Newcastle University), Iwan Peverett, and Dr Wannaporn Rienjang (CARC),

3D-Modelling of the Main Stupa at Saidu Sharif: A Provocation

1800 Reception; dinner for speakers.

Tuesday 19th March, 2019

1000 Ken Ishikawa (Wolfson College, Oxford)

More Gandhara than Mathura: Substantial and Persistent Gandharan Influence Provincialised in the Buddhist Material Culture of Gujarat ca. 375–500 CE

1100 Tea/coffee break

1130 Shumpei Iwai (Ryukoku Museum, Kyoto)

Buddhist Temples in Tokharistan and their Relationships with Gandharan Traditions

1230 Lunch (provided for speakers only); meeting of Advisory Committee for the Gandhara Connections project

1400 Dr Joy Lidu Yi (Florida International University, Miami)

Cross-Cultural Buddhist Cave-Monasteries: Yungang, the Silk Road and Beyond

1500 Professor Yang Juping (Nankai University, Tianjin)

Title to be confirmed

1600 Tea/coffee break

1630 Prof Nasim Khan (Director, Gandhāra Study Centre, Islamia College Peshawar)

Cross-Cultural Communication between Gandhāra and China: Archaeological and Iconographic Evidence

1730 Dr Christian Luczanits (SOAS, London)

Gandharan Art and the Himalayas

1830 Close

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