Assessing Cicero’s (in)constantia through the Ages - 21-22/06/2019, Leiden (Netherlands)

Cicero’s (in)constantia has consistently triggered readers in antiquity and beyond. In antiquity, one can think of Velleius Paterculus’ praise that Cicero acted with exceptional constantia in handling the Catilinarian conspiracy and contrast this to the critical remark by Iunius Bassus in Seneca’s Controversiae that Cicero lacked constantia. Famous is Petrarch’s disappointment about the inconsistency between Cicero’s public and private behaviour after having rediscovered his Letters to Atticus or Theodor Mommsen’s biting characterisation of Cicero as a person without any moral compass and without any consistent behaviour.
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 21-22/06/2019
LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Leiden University (Leiden, Netherlands)
INSCRIPCIÓN/REGISTRATION/REGISTRAZIONE: Gratis/free/gratuito Deadline: 01/06/2019
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Participation and the drinks on Friday are free of charge, but for the lunch on Saturday you would need to pay (15 euro).
Friday 21 June 2019:
Venue: LIPSIUS 148
12.30-13.00 Welcome & Introduction (Christoph Pieper)
13.00-13.45 Matthew Roller (Baltimore), Philosophical and rhetorical perspectives on Ciceronian constancy
13.45-14.30 Yannick Zanetti (Genève), Some implications of metaphorical aspects of constantia in Cicero’s work
14.30-15.00 Coffee/tea break
15.00-15.45 Viola Maria Periti (Pavia/Leiden), Cicero’s construction of a consistent authorial persona in the prefaces of his rhetorical and philosophical works
15.45-16.30 Biagio Santorelli (Genova), Aude perire, placiturus es. The earliest construction of Cicero’s (in)constantia in the school of rhetoric
16.30-16.45 Fresh air break
16.45-17.30 Tommaso Ricchieri (Padova), Frustra calumniantur Ciceroni. Defending Ciceroʼs inconstantia in Pseudo-Asconiusʼs commentary on theVerrines
17.30-18.15 Leanne Jansen (Leiden), Runaway Cicero and republican ethos in imperial Greek historiography
18.30 Drinks
Saturday 22 June 2019:
Middle Ages, Early Modern and Modern Times
Venue: LIPSIUS 148
10.00-10.45 Karl Enenkel (Münster), Petrarch, the active and contemplative life, and Cicero
10.45-11.30 Megan Welton (Utrecht), Constantia, virtus, and civic discord in the early Middle Ages
11.30-12.15 Christoph Pieper (Leiden): Das also war des Ciceros Kern. Cicero’s image in the viri illustres-tradition and adherent genres between late antiquity and the early Italian Renaissance
12.15-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.30 Guided tour to the Bibliotheca Thysiana (for speakers only) by Paul Hoftijzer, P.A. Tiele Professor in the History of the Early-Modern Dutch Book
14.30-15.15 Bram van der Velden (Leiden), Ciceronian reception and Ciceronian Echtheitskritik
15.15-16.00 Joanna Kenty (Nijmegen), Singing a different tune. Cicero’s palinode and its reception
16.00-16.30 Coffee/tea break
16.30-17.30 Final discussion