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Civil Religion from Antiquity to the Enlightenment - 23-24/10/2019, Newcastle (England)

The aim of this conference is to facilitate these urgently needed discussions, bringing together religious and intellectual historians, classicists and early modernists, historians of scholarship and historians of political thought. The resultant rehabilitation of civil religion from its status as a handmaid of republicanism will not only promote methodological innovation through its interdisciplinary emphasis, but will interrogate dominant traditions in these disciplines regarding the relationship between church and state, and that between religion and the Enlightenment.

FECHA /DATE/DATA: 23-24/10/2019

ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE: Early Modern Civil Religion Reading Group; Katherine East

INFO: web -


-Estándar/standard/standard: £50

-Estudiantes y desempleados/students and unwaged/studenti e disoccupato: £30


Wednesday 23 October

10.00-10.30: Welcome & Tea and Coffee

10.30-12.00: Panel 1: Approaching Civil Religion

Ronald Beiner (Toronto): ‘Approaching Civil Religion’.

Mark Goldie (Cambridge): ‘Civil Religion in Early Modern England’.

Delphine Doucet (Sunderland): ‘TBC’

12.00-13.00: Lunch

13.00-15.30: Panel 2: Origins: Athens & Rome

Jörg Rüpke (Erfurt): ‘The Invention of Civil Religion on Cicero’s Speech “On His House”: Claims for Restitution and Publically Binding Religious Practice’.

Andreas Bendlin (Toronto): ‘Brave old world? Ideas of civic religion, pluralism and tolerance, from the Republic to the 3rd century CE’.

Ştefana Cristea (National Museum of Banat Timişoara): ‘Competitive Religion and the Third-Century Crisis in Roman Dacia: Public Rituals, Old Beliefs, New Beliefs, and Megatheism’.

Manolis E. Pagkalos (Leicester): ‘In the Service of the Demos: Civic Religion and Politics in Early Hellenistic Athens’.

15.30-16.00: Coffee

16.00-17.30: Panel 3: Civil Religion in the Renaissance

Fabio Della Schiava (Leuven): ‘Reading and reprocessing Augustine’s De civitate Dei in fifteenth century Florence: civic humanism or civil religion

Julien Le Mauff (Sorbonne): ‘Reversing the Subordination. Botero’s Religious State Theory as a Step Towards Civil Religon’.

Charlotte McCallum (Queen Mary, University of London): ‘Reading Machiavellian civil religion in early modern Britain’.

17.30-18.30: Book Launch, Rachel Hammersley’s new study of James Harrington (Oxford, 2019)

***Accompanied by a Wine Reception****

19.30: Conference Meal, Blackfriars’ Restaurant

Thursday 24 October

9.00-11.00: Panel 4: Civil Religion & The Reformation

Polly Ha (UEA): ‘Renegotiating Mixed Monarchy: Richard Hooker and his critics in Elizabethan and Stuart England’.

Esther Counsell (Cambridge): ‘Reformation Erastianism and Opposition to the Caroline Regime’.

Jacqueline Rose (St Andrews): TBC.

Connor Robinson (York): ‘Debating Church and State at Interregnum Oxford: Experimenting in Civil Religion’.

11.00-11.30: Coffee

11.30-13.30: Panel 5: Civil Religion in the Seventeenth Century

John Coffey (Leicester): ‘Debating “State Religion” in Cromwellian England’.

Graham Barrett (Lincoln) & Oren Margolis (UEA): ‘The pope as pontifex maximus: Numa Pompilius, James I, and the papacy historicised’.

Niall Allsopp (Exeter): ‘Ceremony, Obedience, and Literary Reception in the Cavendish Circle’.

Christie L. Maloyed (Louisiana-Lafayette) & Andrew Murphey (Rutgers): ‘Civil Religion on the Ground: Theory and Practice in Early Pennsylvania’.

13.30-14.30: Lunch

14.30-16.30: Civil Religion in the Enlightenment

Luc Borot (Montpellier): ‘Hobbes, Harrington, and Civil Religion’.

Katherine East (Newcastle): ‘Debating Civil Religion in the English Enlightenment’.

John Marshall (John Hopkins): ‘John Locke and Civil Religion’.

Ashley Walsh (Durham): ‘Civil Religion in the British Enlightenments’.

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